[python-events] Event submission for PyCon APAC 2021

Georgi Ker georgi at pyconthailand.org
Thu Jun 24 06:13:59 EDT 2021


My name's Georgi, Conference Lead for PyCon APAC 2021. I would like to
submit PyCon APAC onto the calendar.

Attached is the file in .ics too.

Please let me know should you need more information.


* name of the event: PyCon APAC 2021 * type of event: Conference,
Workshops and Sprints * focus on Python: 5 different tracks on
different aspects with Asia-Pacific focused speakers * approximate
number of attendees: 250 onsite, 1000 online * location (incl.
country): Worldwide-Online, Bangkok-Onsite (Thailand) *
dates/times/recurrence (incl. time zone): 19-23 November
2021/24hr/annual (GMT +7) * HTML link using the format <a
href="http://url/">name of the event</a>: <a
href="https://th.pycon.org/">PyCon APAC 2021</a>
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