[python-events] Question: are there / have there been any other in-real-life PyCons this year

Marc-Andre Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Wed May 26 04:19:26 EDT 2021

Hi Carlos,

the events calendar represents all events we get notifications for.
It's not necessarily a comprehensive list, since organizers sometimes
forgot to submit their event or don't know about the calendars.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

On 25.05.2021 22:04, NZPUG Communications wrote:
> Dear Events Team,
> We have been looking through this year’s events calendar and the only not
> virtual PyCons that we can find are Taiwan and us (Aotearoa New Zealand).  
> Are you able to, kindly, please confirm to us how many PyCons or other Python
> topical conferences – besides Taiwan and NZ – have happened or will happen this
> year?
> Thank you very much!
> Wishing you are well and safe, yours faithfully,
> Carlos Cordero (he/him) › Comms. Officer
> t ›  +64 21 1266 705
> e › communications at nzpug.org <mailto:communications at nzpug.org>
> w › https://python.nz
> tw › @NZPUG
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Marc-Andre Lemburg

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