[python-events] Addition of Python Workshop [August Edition]

Hampo JohnPaul hampojohnpaul at gmail.com
Wed Jun 29 11:52:55 EDT 2022

Good day.
Please find details below:

Name of the Event: *Fundamentals of Machine Learning with Python*
Type of Event: *Workshop*
Focus on Python: *100%*
Approximate number of attendees:*15 [IN-HOUSE] 100 [ONLINE]*
Location: *Online and Abraka, Delta State - Nigeria*
Date/Time/Recurrence:  *15th - 19th August, 2022 / 11 GMT+1 / Once*
HTML Link: *<a href="*
*">*  *Fundamentals of Machine Learning with Python*  *</a>*


Hampo, JohnPaul A.C.
Hamplus Technologies <http://www.hamplustech.com>
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