[python-events] Issues with many user group calendar entries

Marc-Andre Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Fri Sep 30 04:42:07 EDT 2022

Hi team,

I've gone through a number of recurring user group entries in the
calendar and found that many of them have:

- stopped running events
- are running on different schedules than what's listed in the entry
- have switched websites, so the URLs no longer work

Unfortunately, we have no good way of contacting the groups, since
we don't (directly) track the people who submitted the events,
other than searching for their posting to this ML.

I guess the best thing we can do is to go through the various
recurring entries and set an end date of the recurrence to
say the day the event was checked and found to be no longer
happening (or whatever seems reasonable based on the last
event dates found on their website).

This will keep the past entries in the calendar, but prevent
them from reappearing going forward.

Thoughts ?


Since the python.org does not have support for recurring
events, these user group events don't show up on the website.

There's an open ticket for adding such support, but nothing
much has happened in recent years:

As a result, the above issues are only seen by people who
subscribe to the calendars directly.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Experts (#1, Sep 30 2022)
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    eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
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