[python-events] Ticketing software

Igor Támara igor.tamara at gmail.com
Fri Sep 22 20:37:01 EDT 2023

Hi there, do you know a software that helps in the registration process for
participants? Is there a python service or python repository that would
include this hosted or to host by ourselves:
 * Form to register people
 * QR code generated for each issued ticket
 * When the QR code is read by an organizer, it marks the ticket as used

The objective is to preregister people for an event
Know if the preregistered people actually goes to the event
Also be able to make some queries to the db to get te list of registered
and people that actually went to the event.

I guess we would be using the phone camera to read the QR code or have an
app to do so.

Thanks for any hint.

We are aiming to open tickets for 200 people at a conference that will be
held in October 21st https://www.slec.net/edupy/ , this one is for free, in
which case we are avoiding paid services.

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