[python-events] Django Girls Matola #3

Eusébio Simango eusebiosimango14 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 1 19:18:20 EDT 2024

Dear all,
Hope this email finds you well.

Please add the following event: * name of the event: Django Girls
Matola #3  * type of event: Workshop * focus on Python: We inspire
women to fall in love with programming in django by providing tools,
resources and support.  * approximate number of attendees: 80 *
location (incl. country): Matola, Maputo Province, Mozambique *
dates/times/recurrence (incl. time zone): 13 April, 2024 (CAT) * HTML
link using the format <a href="http://url/">name of the event</a>: <a
href="https://djangogirls.org/en/matola/">Django Girls Matola #3 </a>

Best Regards
*Eusébio Simango*
📱: +258 85 014 3767|+258 87 321 7142

📧: eusebiosimango14 at gmail.com
ℹ️: Eusébio Simango <https://www.linkedin.com/in/eusebiosimango>
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