[python-events] New Event Submission: TOUFU - Parent-Child Python Programming Workshop

Marc-Andre Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Tue Apr 16 10:52:57 EDT 2024

Dear Haruhisa MAKIUCHI,

I've added the event to user group calendar as all day entries, just 
like we do for DjangoGirls and other such workshops to give them more 


On 16.04.2024 15:55, Team Toufu wrote:
> Dear Python.org Events Team,
> I hope this message finds you well. As we continue to engage and 
> inspire the next generation of programmers, I am pleased to inform you 
> about our upcoming event. We kindly request that this event be 
> included in the Python.org events calendar.
> Below are the updated details of our event:
>   * *Name of the event*: TOUFU - Parent-Child Python Programming Workshop
>   * *Type of event*: Workshop
>   * *Focus on Python*: Creating 2D games using Pygame
>   * *Approximate number of attendees*: 60 elementary school children
>     and their parents
>   * *Location (including country)*: Myoko Temple, 〒272-0106 18-7
>     Isejuku, Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture, Japan.
>   * *Dates/times/recurrence (including time zone)*:
>       o *April 28th (Sun), May 4th (Sat), May 5th (Sun)*: Sessions
>         from 3:00 PM to 4:20 PM JST and from 5:00 PM to 6:20 PM JST.
>       o *April 29th (Mon), May 6th (Mon)*: Sessions at 10:00 AM to
>         11:20 AM JST, 12:00 PM to 1:20 PM JST, and 2:00 PM to 3:20 PM JST.
>   * *HTML link*: TOUFU - Parent-Child Python Programming Workshop
>     <https://ohtoufu.com/education/register/ichikawa/2024-04/>
> This workshop offers a unique opportunity for children and their 
> parents to learn Python programming together and create fun 2D games 
> using Pygame. We believe this will be a valuable addition to your 
> calendar and help us reach a wider audience. Please let us know if you 
> require any additional information or if there are any questions.
> We appreciate your consideration and look forward to your positive 
> response.
> Best regards,
> Haruhisa MAKIUCHI
> TOUFU - Fabulous Digital Content Developers
> ohtoufu.com
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Marc-Andre Lemburg

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