[python-events] Please add the following event: 8 July (late notice)

DL Neil NZPUG at etelligence.info
Mon Jul 1 19:26:41 EDT 2024

  * name of the event: Django - The Powerhouse

  * type of event: hybrid, discussion and workshop, collaboration Python 
New Zealand-Auckland Branch and Denver-Python

  * focus on Python: Django

  * approximate number of attendees: unlimited

  * location (incl. country): hybrid event,
Denver (CO, USA): 11100 W 8th Ave ยท Lakewood, CO
New Zealand and everyone else: using BBB (BigBlueButton), need 
web-browser, no downloads, no tracking (RSVP on Meetup for details)

  * dates/times/recurrence (incl. time zone): Monday 8 July 2024, 0900, 
closing 1030 NZST (Sunday, 7 July 2100, 2230 UTC (resp) and 1500 to 1630 

  * HTML link using the format <a href="http://url/">name of the
event</a>: <a
and in-person:
href="https://www.meetup.com/denverpython/events/301076212/">Django the 
Regards =dn

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