[python-events] I have a game code

Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer arj.python at gmail.com
Mon May 20 09:06:51 EDT 2024

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Kind Regards,

Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer
about <https://compileralchemy.github.io/> | blog
github <https://github.com/Abdur-RahmaanJ>

On Mon, Apr 15, 2024 at 6:09 AM Isaiah Clark <dfg4vfe at gmail.com> wrote:

> import random
> class Player:
>     def __init__(self, name):
>         self.name = name
>         self.health = 100
>         self.inventory = []
>     def take_damage(self, damage):
>         self.health -= damage
>     def collect_item(self, item):
>         self.inventory.append(item)
>     def use_item(self, item):
>         if item in self.inventory:
>             self.inventory.remove(item)
>             print(f"{self.name} used {item}.")
>         else:
>             print(f"{self.name} doesn't have {item}.")
> def generate_random_location():
>     return random.randint(1, 10), random.randint(1, 10)
> def main():
>     num_players = 4
>     players = [Player(f"Player {i+1}") for i in range(num_players)]
>     # Generate random player locations
>     for player in players:
>         player.x, player.y = generate_random_location()
>     print("Welcome to PyRoyale!")
>     print("You find yourself on a mysterious island. Explore, survive, and
> be the last one standing!")
>     while len(players) > 1:
>         for player in players:
>             print(f"{player.name} ({player.health} HP) is at ({player.x},
> {player.y}).")
>             action = input("Move (W/A/S/D), collect item (C), or quit (Q):
> ").upper()
>             if action == "Q":
>                 print(f"{player.name} has quit the game.")
>                 players.remove(player)
>                 continue
>             if action == "C":
>                 item = input("Enter an item name to collect: ")
>                 player.collect_item(item)
>                 continue
>             # Simulate movement (for simplicity, assume 10x10 grid)
>             dx, dy = 0, 0
>             if action == "W":
>                 dy = -1
>             elif action == "S":
>                 dy = 1
>             elif action == "A":
>                 dx = -1
>             elif action == "D":
>                 dx = 1
>             player.x += dx
>             player.y += dy
>         # Simulate battles (random chance)
>         for player in players:
>             if random.random() < 0.2:  # 20% chance of encountering
> another player
>                 opponent = random.choice([p for p in players if p !=
> player])
>                 print(f"{player.name} encounters {opponent.name}!")
>                 player.take_damage(random.randint(10, 20))
>                 opponent.take_damage(random.randint(10, 20))
>     winner = players[0]
>     print(f"\n{winner.name} is the last survivor! Congratulations!")
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     main()
>    -
>    def main():
>        print("Welcome to the Text-Based Fortnite Game!")
>        print("You find yourself on an island. Your goal is to survive and be the last person standing.")
>        print("You can explore, gather resources, and engage in battles with other players.")
>        player_health = 100
>        player_resources = 0
>        while player_health > 0:
>            print("\nOptions:")
>            print("1. Explore the island")
>            print("2. Gather resources")
>            print("3. Engage in a battle")
>            print("4. Quit")
>            choice = input("Enter your choice (1/2/3/4): ")
>            if choice == "1":
>                print("You explore the island and find a hidden cave.")
>                print("Inside the cave, you discover a treasure chest!")
>                player_resources += 10
>            elif choice == "2":
>                print("You gather wood, stone, and metal from the surroundings.")
>                player_resources += 5
>            elif choice == "3":
>                print("You encounter another player!")
>                enemy_health = 80
>                while enemy_health > 0:
>                    attack = input("Do you want to attack? (yes/no): ")
>                    if attack.lower() == "yes":
>                        enemy_health -= 20
>                        print(f"You hit the enemy! Enemy health: {enemy_health}")
>                    else:
>                        print("You decide not to attack.")
>                print("You defeated the enemy!")
>            elif choice == "4":
>                print("You quit the game. Thanks for playing!")
>                break
>            else:
>                print("Invalid choice. Please select a valid option.")
>        print("Game over. You survived!")
>    if __name__ == "__main__":
>        main()
>    AI-generated code. Review and use carefully. More info on FAQ
>    <https://www.bing.com/new#faq>.
>    Feel free to modify and expand upon this basic framework to create
>    your own Fortnite-inspired game. If you have any other requests or
>    questions, feel free to ask! 😊
>    2of5
>    Show learn more suggestions
>       - Can you add more features to the game?
>       - How about adding a crafting system?
>       - I'd like to see an inventory management feature.
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