[python-events] Algorithmic Trading, London group: Market Making in Python

Richard Hickling richard at profitview.net
Thu Nov 14 06:39:47 EST 2024

Hi Python.org guys
We're having the following event in a week and a bit in London. *  name of the
   event: How to code, configure and deploy a Market Making bot
 *  type of
   event: in-person Meetup
 *  focus on
   Python: a trading algorithm will be written and demonstrated in Python during
   the event
 *  approximate
   number of attendees: 100
 * location  (incl. country): The City of London, London, UK
    dates/times/recurrence (incl. time zone): 2024-11-25 19:00 UTC
 *  HTML link
   using the format <a href="http://url/">name of the event</a>:  <a
   to code, configure and deploy a Market Making bot</a>

We had a similar event in the past but didn't think to put it forward to
Python.org, however since all the code will be in Python, I think it's
Richard Hickling
Co-FounderMobile: +44 7476847938
Email:richard at profitview.net
ProfitView is the trading name for Profit View Ltd, a company registered in
England & Wales.
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