<div dir="ltr"><div>Hi there,</div><div><br></div><div>I would like to ask you if you can add our 13th PythonCamp to the calendar of events.</div><div><br></div><br>Â * name of the event: Virtual PythonCamp Cologne 2022<br>Â * type of event: BarCamp<br>Â * focus on Python: Yes<br>Â * approximate number of attendees: 50<br>Â * location online in BigBlueButton<br>Â * dates/times/recurrence (incl. time zone): 4.6.2022, 11am CEST -<br>5.06.2022, 4pm CEST<br>Â * link (in HTML format): <a<br>href="<a href="https://barcamptools.eu/pycampcologne2022">https://barcamptools.eu/pycampcologne2022</a>">Virtual PythonCamp<br>Cologne</a><br><br>regards<br>Reimar<br></div>