[Python-ideas] [Python-Dev] features i'd like [Python 3000] ... #3: fix super()

Eduardo "EdCrypt" O. Padoan eopadoan at altavix.com
Sat Jan 6 18:16:19 CET 2007

> I was bitten by the urge to play with this today, and modified my
> previous "self" hack to handle "super" also, so that the following
> code works:
>      class D (C):
>          @method
>          def sum(n):
>              return super.sum(n * 2) - self.base
> Posted as "evil2.py" here:
>      http://www.lag.net/robey/code/surf/
> Because hacking "super" requires having the class object handy, this
> one needs a metaclass to do its magic, which is a shame.  I guess if
> it was implemented inside the cpython compiler, it would be less of a
> problem.

BTW, a "super-only" version of this decortor (that I think could be
called "implement") has  some more chances in Python. But think
belongs more to Python-Ideas list, ok?

EduardoOPadoan (eopadoan->altavix::com)
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