From jan.kanis at  Fri Jun  1 10:20:02 2007
From: jan.kanis at (Jan Kanis)
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2007 10:20:02 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] About list comprehension syntax
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <op.ts8hfol6d64u53@jan-laptop>

On Wed, 30 May 2007 12:41:51 +0200, Arnaud Delobelle  
<arno at> wrote:

> (3') [x in L if p(x)]

I like the idea as well. It doesn't look ambiguous to me. 'if' can only  
appear as a statement or in conjunction with an 'else', so this expression  
can't mean anything else imo.


From g.brandl at  Fri Jun  1 11:34:12 2007
From: g.brandl at (Georg Brandl)
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2007 11:34:12 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] About list comprehension syntax
In-Reply-To: <op.ts8hfol6d64u53@jan-laptop>
References: <>
Message-ID: <f3op6f$umo$>

Jan Kanis schrieb:
> On Wed, 30 May 2007 12:41:51 +0200, Arnaud Delobelle  
> <arno at> wrote:
>> (3') [x in L if p(x)]
> I like the idea as well. It doesn't look ambiguous to me. 'if' can only  
> appear as a statement or in conjunction with an 'else', so this expression  
> can't mean anything else imo.

Tell that to the LL(1) parser ;)


Thus spake the Lord: Thou shalt indent with four spaces. No more, no less.
Four shall be the number of spaces thou shalt indent, and the number of thy
indenting shall be four. Eight shalt thou not indent, nor either indent thou
two, excepting that thou then proceed to four. Tabs are right out.

From tony at  Fri Jun  1 18:19:22 2007
From: tony at (Tony Lownds)
Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2007 09:19:22 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Attribute Docstrings and Annotations
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On May 31, 2007, at 6:15 AM, Ali Sabil wrote:

> Hello all,
> I was looking into function annotations, that are to be introduced  
> in Python3k, and I found this old message sent to this mailing  
> list : 
> 000037.html
> I would like to restart the discussion of attribute annotation,  
> because in my opinion it can be a very powerful feature. I  
> personally think about using it for SOAP message serialization, or  
> any kind of XML serialization, the Idea would be to annotate  
> various object attribues to be either marshaled as XML Elements or  
> XML Attributes of the current Node that reflects the Object.

Hi Ali,

I'm afraid the PEP deadline has passed, restarting the discussion would
not change that.

Your use case sounds interesting. I know there are a lot of other use  
cases for
attribute meta-data. However there are lots of ways to achieve  
attribute meta data

# Via naming convention
class A:
   attr = 1
   f_attr = int

# Via decorators
class A:
   attr = annotated_value(1, int)

# Via a separate class
class A:
   class meta:
     attr = int
   attr = 1

# Compare to attribute annotation syntax
class A:
   attr: int = 1

Each of the existing idioms I have seen or used has issues, mostly  
minor. I suspect that because
the existing ways don't have glaring deficiencies, even if it were  
before the PEP deadline, a renewed
push on the proposal would have encountered a lot more resistance.

I still think the syntax is elegant in symmetry and provides a  
unified and improved idiom for
a common use case.


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From showell30 at  Wed Jun  6 05:23:38 2007
From: showell30 at (Steve Howell)
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2007 20:23:38 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] alphabets, spelling, grammar, vocabulary,
	and the evolution of English
Message-ID: <>

This is a linguistic reflection inspired by PEP 3131.

English is a language that has undergone a major
transformation in the last 200 to 300 years. It used
to be spoken mostly on one particular island across
the channel from France.  Now it's spoken worldwide. 
Two of the larger populations of English speakers,
residents of the UK and residents of the US, live an
ocean away from each other.

Unlike Python, English never had a PEP process.  It
naturally evolved.  But like Python, English has been
promoted, for various reasons, as a worldwide
language, mostly successfully.  English is also like
Python in the sense that it had a mostly fresh start
during certain colonizations, but it still had
backward compatibility issues.

Some observations:

   1) US and UK residents can mostly converse with
each other.

   2) American English has diverged from British
English in vocubalary, although many of the differing
words are esoteric, or are inherently culturally
incompatible, or have synonyms recognized on both
sides of the ocean, or are idiomatic expressions.

   3) American English differs from British grammar
only in pretty non-fundamental areas.  American
English, despite 200 years of evolution away from its
parent, preserves subject-verb-object ordering. 
Adjectives almost always precede nouns.  Differences
come down to subtle things like how you deal with
collective nouns, etc.

   4) Some words are spelled differently between
American English and British English, but the
spellings are generally mutually understanded by all
speakers.  (Even on the same side of the ocean,
spelling can be ambiguous in English, so variant
spellings often arise [more often, than, say,

   5) American English and British English still have
the exact same alphabet.  A to Z.

Are there analogies here to be drawn to Python?  

On AmE and BrE:

"America and England are two nations divided by a
common language."

Don't get soaked.  Take a quick peak at the forecast
with the Yahoo! Search weather shortcut.

From eyal.lotem at  Sun Jun 10 06:27:20 2007
From: eyal.lotem at (Eyal Lotem)
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2007 07:27:20 +0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] Exporting dict Items for direct lookups of specific
Message-ID: <>

I believe that it is possible to add a useful feature to dicts, that
will enable some interesting performance features in the future.

Dict lookups are in general supposed to be O(1) and they are indeed very fast.
However, there are several drawbacks:
A. O(1) is not always achieved, collisions may still occur
B. Some lookups use static "literal" keys, and could benefit from
accessing a dict item directly (very fast O(1) _worst_ case, without
even a function call when done from the C side).
C. B is especially true when dicts are used to hold attributes - in
that case literal attribute names, in conjunction with psyco-like type
specialization, can help avoid many dict lookups.  I won't delve into
this in this mail - but this is actually the use-case that I'm after

There is a possible implementation that can allow a dict to export
items with minimal impact on its other performance.

Create a new type of PyObject, a PyDictItemObject that will contain a
key, value pair.  (This will NOT exist for each hash table entry, but
only for specifically exported items).

Add a bitmap to dicts that has a single bit for every hash table
entry. If the entry is marked in the bitmap, then its PyObject*
"value" is not a reference to the value object, but to a

A new dict method "PyDict_ExportItem" that takes a single argument:
key will create a PyDictItemObject, and assign the dict's key to it,
and mark that hash-table entry in the bitmap.  If PyDict_ExportItem is
called when the item is already exported, it will return another
reference to the same PyDictItemObject.  The value in PyDictItemObject
will initially be set to NULL (which means "key not mapped"). Both the
PyDictItemObject and PyDict_exportitem should probably not be exported
to the Python-side, but PyDictItemObject should probably be a PyObject
for refcounting purposes.

All the dict methods to get/set values, once they found the correct
entry, check the bitmap to see if the entry is marked, and if it is -
access the value in the PyDictItemObject instead of the value itself.
In addition, if that value is NULL, it represents the key not actually
being in the dict (__getitem__ can raise a KeyError there, for
example, and __setitem__ can simply use Py_XDECREF and overwrite value
with the value).

Alternatively to the bitmap, the hash table entry can contain another
boolean int -- I am not sure which is preferable in terms of
cache-locality, but the bitmap is definitely cheaper, space-wise.

This would allow dict users to create an exported item for a key once,
and then access that key in real O(1) without function calls. As
mentioned before, this can also serve in the future, as the basis for
avoiding dict lookups for attribute searches.

From jcarlson at  Sun Jun 10 10:00:20 2007
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2007 01:00:20 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Exporting dict Items for direct lookups of
	specific keys
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Eyal Lotem" <eyal.lotem at> wrote:
> I believe that it is possible to add a useful feature to dicts, that
> will enable some interesting performance features in the future.
> Dict lookups are in general supposed to be O(1) and they are indeed very fast.
> However, there are several drawbacks:
> A. O(1) is not always achieved, collisions may still occur

Note that O(1) is constant, not necessarily 1.  Assuming that the hash
function that Python uses is decent (it seems to work well), then as per
the load factor of 2/3, then you get an expected number of probes = 1 +
(2/3)^2 + (2/3)^3 + (2/3)^4 + ..., which sums to 3.  

Now, if you have contents that are specifically designed to screw the
hash function, then you are going to get poor performance.  But this is
the case for any particular hash function; there exists inputs that
force it to perform poorly.

Given the above load factor, if 3 expected probes is too many, you can
use d.update(d) to double the size of the dictionary, forcing the load
factor to be 1/3 or less, for an expected number of probes = 1.5 .

> B. Some lookups use static "literal" keys, and could benefit from
> accessing a dict item directly (very fast O(1) _worst_ case, without
> even a function call when done from the C side).


What you are proposing is to add a level of indirection between some
pointer in the dictionary to some special PyDictItem object. This will
slow Python execution when such a thing is used.  Why? The extra level
of indirection requires another pointer following, as well as a
necessary check on the bitmap you are proposing, nevermind the
additional memory overhead of having the item (generally doubling the
size of dictionary objects that use such 'exported' items).

You don't mention what algorithm/structure will allow for the accessing
of your dictionary items in O(1) time, only that after you have this
bitmap and dictioanry item thingy that it will be O(1) time (where
dictionaries weren't already fast enough natively). I don't believe you
have fully thought through this, but feel free to post C or Python
source that describes your algorithm in detail to prove me wrong.

You should note that Python's dictionary implementation has been tuned
to work *quite well* for the object attribute/namespace case, and I
would be quite surprised if anyone managed to improve upon Raymond's
work (without writing platform-specific assembly).

 - Josiah

From eyal.lotem at  Sun Jun 10 11:30:42 2007
From: eyal.lotem at (Eyal Lotem)
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2007 12:30:42 +0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] Exporting dict Items for direct lookups of
	specific keys
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/10/07, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> "Eyal Lotem" <eyal.lotem at> wrote:
> >
> > I believe that it is possible to add a useful feature to dicts, that
> > will enable some interesting performance features in the future.
> >
> > Dict lookups are in general supposed to be O(1) and they are indeed very fast.
> > However, there are several drawbacks:
> > A. O(1) is not always achieved, collisions may still occur
> Note that O(1) is constant, not necessarily 1.  Assuming that the hash
> function that Python uses is decent (it seems to work well), then as per
> the load factor of 2/3, then you get an expected number of probes = 1 +
> (2/3)^2 + (2/3)^3 + (2/3)^4 + ..., which sums to 3.
> Now, if you have contents that are specifically designed to screw the
> hash function, then you are going to get poor performance.  But this is
> the case for any particular hash function; there exists inputs that
> force it to perform poorly.
Ofcourse, though it is an interesting anecdote because it won't screw
the lookups in the solution I'm describing.

> Given the above load factor, if 3 expected probes is too many, you can
> use d.update(d) to double the size of the dictionary, forcing the load
> factor to be 1/3 or less, for an expected number of probes = 1.5 .
> > B. Some lookups use static "literal" keys, and could benefit from
> > accessing a dict item directly (very fast O(1) _worst_ case, without
> > even a function call when done from the C side).
> [snip]
> What you are proposing is to add a level of indirection between some
> pointer in the dictionary to some special PyDictItem object. This will
> slow Python execution when such a thing is used.  Why? The extra level
> of indirection requires another pointer following, as well as a
> necessary check on the bitmap you are proposing, nevermind the
> additional memory overhead of having the item (generally doubling the
> size of dictionary objects that use such 'exported' items).
> You don't mention what algorithm/structure will allow for the accessing
> of your dictionary items in O(1) time, only that after you have this
> bitmap and dictioanry item thingy that it will be O(1) time (where
> dictionaries weren't already fast enough natively). I don't believe you
> have fully thought through this, but feel free to post C or Python
> source that describes your algorithm in detail to prove me wrong.
Only access of exported items is O(1) time (when accessed via your
PyDictItem_obj->value), other items must be accessed normally and they
take just as much time (or as I explained and you reiterated, a tad
longer, as it requires a bitmap check and in the case of exported
items another dereference).

> You should note that Python's dictionary implementation has been tuned
> to work *quite well* for the object attribute/namespace case, and I
> would be quite surprised if anyone managed to improve upon Raymond's
> work (without writing platform-specific assembly).

Ofcourse - the idea is not to improve dict's performance with the
normal way it is accessed, but to change the way it is accessed for
the specific use-case of accessing static values in a static dict -
which can be faster than even a fast dict lookup.

The dict lookups in globals, builtins are all looking for literal
static keys in a literal static dict. In this specific case, it is
better to outdo the existing dict performance, by adding a special way
to access such static keys in dicts - which insignificantly slows down
access to the dict, but significantly speeds up this very common use
Attribute lookups in the class dict are all literal/static key lookups
in a static dict (though in order for a code object to know that it is
a static dict, a psyco-like system is required. If such a system is
used, all of those dict lookups can be made faster as well).

From jcarlson at  Sun Jun 10 15:39:57 2007
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2007 06:39:57 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Exporting dict Items for direct lookups of
	specific keys
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Eyal Lotem" <eyal.lotem at> wrote:
> On 6/10/07, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> > "Eyal Lotem" <eyal.lotem at> wrote:
> > > B. Some lookups use static "literal" keys, and could benefit from
> > > accessing a dict item directly (very fast O(1) _worst_ case, without
> > > even a function call when done from the C side).
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> > What you are proposing is to add a level of indirection between some
> > pointer in the dictionary to some special PyDictItem object. This will
> > slow Python execution when such a thing is used.  Why? The extra level
> > of indirection requires another pointer following, as well as a
> > necessary check on the bitmap you are proposing, nevermind the
> > additional memory overhead of having the item (generally doubling the
> > size of dictionary objects that use such 'exported' items).
> >
> > You don't mention what algorithm/structure will allow for the accessing
> > of your dictionary items in O(1) time, only that after you have this
> > bitmap and dictioanry item thingy that it will be O(1) time (where
> > dictionaries weren't already fast enough natively). I don't believe you
> > have fully thought through this, but feel free to post C or Python
> > source that describes your algorithm in detail to prove me wrong.
> Only access of exported items is O(1) time (when accessed via your
> PyDictItem_obj->value), other items must be accessed normally and they
> take just as much time (or as I explained and you reiterated, a tad
> longer, as it requires a bitmap check and in the case of exported
> items another dereference).

But you still don't explain *how* these exported keys are going to be
accessed.  Walk me through the steps required to improve access times in
the following case:

def foo(obj):

> > You should note that Python's dictionary implementation has been tuned
> > to work *quite well* for the object attribute/namespace case, and I
> > would be quite surprised if anyone managed to improve upon Raymond's
> > work (without writing platform-specific assembly).
> Ofcourse - the idea is not to improve dict's performance with the
> normal way it is accessed, but to change the way it is accessed for
> the specific use-case of accessing static values in a static dict -
> which can be faster than even a fast dict lookup.

If I have a dictionary X, and X has exported keys, then whenever I
access exported values in the dictionary via X[key], your proposed
indirection will necessarily be slower than the current implementation.

> The dict lookups in globals, builtins are all looking for literal
> static keys in a literal static dict. In this specific case, it is
> better to outdo the existing dict performance, by adding a special way
> to access such static keys in dicts - which insignificantly slows down
> access to the dict, but significantly speeds up this very common use
> pattern.

Please benchmark before you claim "insignificant" performance
degredation in the general case. I claim that adding a level of
indirection and the accessing of a bit array (which in C is technically
a char array with every bit getting a full char, unless you use masks
and shifts, which will be slower still) is necessarily slower than the
access characteristics of current dictionaries.  We can see this as a
combination of an increase in the number of operations necessary to do
arbitrary dictionary lookups, increased cache overhad of those lookups,
as well as the delay and cache overhead of accessing the bit array.

> Attribute lookups in the class dict are all literal/static key lookups
> in a static dict (though in order for a code object to know that it is
> a static dict, a psyco-like system is required. If such a system is
> used, all of those dict lookups can be made faster as well).

No, attribute lookups are not all literal/static key lookups.  See
getattr/setattr/delattr, operations on cls.__dict__, obj.__dict__, etc.

From what I can gather (please describe the algorithm now that I have
asked twice), the only place where there exists improvement potential is
in the case of global lookups in a module.  That is to say, if a
function/method in module foo is accessing some global variable bar, the
compiler can replace LOAD_GLOBAL/STORE_GLOBAL/DEL_GLOBAL with an opcode
to access a special PyDictItem object that sits in the function/method
cell variables, rather than having to look in the globals dictionary
(that is attached to every function and method).

 - Josiah

From eyal.lotem at  Mon Jun 11 03:43:28 2007
From: eyal.lotem at (Eyal Lotem)
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 04:43:28 +0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] Exporting dict Items for direct lookups of
	specific keys
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/10/07, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> "Eyal Lotem" <eyal.lotem at> wrote:
> > On 6/10/07, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> > > "Eyal Lotem" <eyal.lotem at> wrote:
> > > > B. Some lookups use static "literal" keys, and could benefit from
> > > > accessing a dict item directly (very fast O(1) _worst_ case, without
> > > > even a function call when done from the C side).
> > >
> > > [snip]
> > >
> > > What you are proposing is to add a level of indirection between some
> > > pointer in the dictionary to some special PyDictItem object. This will
> > > slow Python execution when such a thing is used.  Why? The extra level
> > > of indirection requires another pointer following, as well as a
> > > necessary check on the bitmap you are proposing, nevermind the
> > > additional memory overhead of having the item (generally doubling the
> > > size of dictionary objects that use such 'exported' items).
> > >
> > > You don't mention what algorithm/structure will allow for the accessing
> > > of your dictionary items in O(1) time, only that after you have this
> > > bitmap and dictioanry item thingy that it will be O(1) time (where
> > > dictionaries weren't already fast enough natively). I don't believe you
> > > have fully thought through this, but feel free to post C or Python
> > > source that describes your algorithm in detail to prove me wrong.
> >
> > Only access of exported items is O(1) time (when accessed via your
> > PyDictItem_obj->value), other items must be accessed normally and they
> > take just as much time (or as I explained and you reiterated, a tad
> > longer, as it requires a bitmap check and in the case of exported
> > items another dereference).
> But you still don't explain *how* these exported keys are going to be
> accessed.  Walk me through the steps required to improve access times in
> the following case:
> def foo(obj):
>     return
I think you missed what I said - I said that the functionality should
probably not be exported to Python - as Python has little to gain from
it (it would have to getattr a C method just to request the exported
item -- which will nullify the speed benefit).
It is the C code which can suddenly do direct access to access the
exported dict items - not Python code.

> > > You should note that Python's dictionary implementation has been tuned
> > > to work *quite well* for the object attribute/namespace case, and I
> > > would be quite surprised if anyone managed to improve upon Raymond's
> > > work (without writing platform-specific assembly).
> >
> > Ofcourse - the idea is not to improve dict's performance with the
> > normal way it is accessed, but to change the way it is accessed for
> > the specific use-case of accessing static values in a static dict -
> > which can be faster than even a fast dict lookup.
> If I have a dictionary X, and X has exported keys, then whenever I
> access exported values in the dictionary via X[key], your proposed
> indirection will necessarily be slower than the current implementation.
That is true, I acknowledged that. It is even true also that access to
X[key] even when key is not exported is slower.  When I have a few
spare moments, I'll try and benchmark how much slower it is.

> > The dict lookups in globals, builtins are all looking for literal
> > static keys in a literal static dict. In this specific case, it is
> > better to outdo the existing dict performance, by adding a special way
> > to access such static keys in dicts - which insignificantly slows down
> > access to the dict, but significantly speeds up this very common use
> > pattern.
> Please benchmark before you claim "insignificant" performance
> degredation in the general case. I claim that adding a level of
> indirection and the accessing of a bit array (which in C is technically
> a char array with every bit getting a full char, unless you use masks
> and shifts, which will be slower still) is necessarily slower than the
> access characteristics of current dictionaries.  We can see this as a
> combination of an increase in the number of operations necessary to do
> arbitrary dictionary lookups, increased cache overhad of those lookups,
> as well as the delay and cache overhead of accessing the bit array.
You are right - we disagree there, but until I benchmark all words are moot.

> > Attribute lookups in the class dict are all literal/static key lookups
> > in a static dict (though in order for a code object to know that it is
> > a static dict, a psyco-like system is required. If such a system is
> > used, all of those dict lookups can be made faster as well).
> No, attribute lookups are not all literal/static key lookups.  See
> getattr/setattr/delattr, operations on cls.__dict__, obj.__dict__, etc.

I may have oversimplified a bit for the sake of explaining.  I was
referring to the operations that are taken by LOAD_ATTR, as an
Lets analyze the LOAD_ATTR bytecode instruction:
 * Calls PyObject_GetAttr for the requested attribute name on the
request object.
 * PyObject_GetAttr redirects it to the type's tp_getattr[o].
 * When tp_getattr[o] is not overridden, this calls PyObject_GenericGetAttr.
 * PyObject_GenericGetAttr first looks for a method descriptor in
dicts of every class in the entire __mro__. If it found a
getter/setter descriptor, it uses that. If it didn't, it tries the
instance dict, and then uses the class descriptor/attr.

I believe this implementation to be very wasteful (specifically the
last step) and I have posted a separate post about this in python-dev.
There is work being done to create an mro cache for types which would
allow to convert the mro lookup to a single lookup in most cases. I
believe that this mro cache should become a single dict object inside
each type object, which holds a merge (according to mro order) of all
the dicts in its mro.  If this modification is done, then
PyObject_GenericGetAttr can become a lookup in the instance dict
(which, btw, can also disappear when __slots__ is used in the class),
and a lookup in the mro cache dict.  If this is the case, then
LOAD_ATTR, which is most often used with literal names, can (if the
type of the object being accessed is known [via a psyco-like system])
become a regular lookup on the instance dict, and a "static lookup" on
the class mro cache dict (which would use an exported dict item).
If the psyco-like system can even create code objects which are not
only specific to one type, but to a specific instance, even the
instance lookup of the literal attribute name can be converted to a
"static lookup" in the instance's dict.
Since virtually all LOAD_ATTR's are using literal strings, virtually
all of the class-side "dynamic lookups" can be converted to "static
Since a "static lookup" costs a dereference and a conditional, and a
dynamic lookup entails at least 4 C function calls (including C stack
setup/unwinds), a few C assignments and C conditionals, I believe it
is likely that this will pay off as a serious improvement in Python's
performance, when combined with a psyco-like system (not an
architecture-dependent ones).

> From what I can gather (please describe the algorithm now that I have
> asked twice), the only place where there exists improvement potential is
> in the case of global lookups in a module.  That is to say, if a
> function/method in module foo is accessing some global variable bar, the
> compiler can replace LOAD_GLOBAL/STORE_GLOBAL/DEL_GLOBAL with an opcode
> to access a special PyDictItem object that sits in the function/method
> cell variables, rather than having to look in the globals dictionary
> (that is attached to every function and method).
As I explained above, there is room for improvement in normal
attribute lookups, however that improvement requires a psyco-like
system in order to be able to deduce which dicts are going to be
accessed by the GetAttr mechanism and then using static lookups to
access them directly.
With access to globals and builtins, this optimization is indeed
easier, and your description is correct, I can be a little more
* Each code object can contain a "co_globals_dict_items" and
"co_builtins_dict_items" attributes that refer to the
exported-dict-items for that literal name in both the globals and
builtins dict.
* Each access to a literal name in the globals/builtins namespace, at
the compilation stage, will request the globals dict and builtins dict
to create an exported item for that literal name. This exported item
will be put into the co_globals_dict_items/co_builtins_dict_items in
the code object.
* LOAD_GLOBAL will not be used when literal name are accessed.
Instead, a new bytecode instruction "LOAD_LITERAL_GLOBAL" with an
index to the "co_globals_dict_items/co_builtins_dict_items" tuples in
the code object.
* LOAD_LITERAL_GLOBAL will use the index to find the
PyExportedDictItem in those tuples, and look like (a bit more verbose
naming for clarity):
     exported_dict_item = GETITEM(co->co_globals_dict_items, oparg);
     x = exported_dict_item->value;
     if(NULL == x) {
        exported_dict_item = GETITEM(co->co_builtins_dict_items, oparg);
        x = exported_dict_item->value;
        if(NULL == x) {
          format_exc_check_arg(PyExc_NameError, MSG,
GETITEM(co->co_globals_names, oparg));

I hope that with these explanations and some code snippets my
intentions are more clear.

>  - Josiah

From jcarlson at  Mon Jun 11 07:56:40 2007
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2007 22:56:40 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Exporting dict Items for direct lookups of
	specific keys
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Eyal Lotem" <eyal.lotem at> wrote:
> On 6/10/07, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> > "Eyal Lotem" <eyal.lotem at> wrote:
> > > On 6/10/07, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> > > Only access of exported items is O(1) time (when accessed via your
> > > PyDictItem_obj->value), other items must be accessed normally and they
> > > take just as much time (or as I explained and you reiterated, a tad
> > > longer, as it requires a bitmap check and in the case of exported
> > > items another dereference).
> >
> > But you still don't explain *how* these exported keys are going to be
> > accessed.  Walk me through the steps required to improve access times in
> > the following case:
> >
> > def foo(obj):
> >     return
> >
> >
> I think you missed what I said - I said that the functionality should
> probably not be exported to Python - as Python has little to gain from
> it (it would have to getattr a C method just to request the exported
> item -- which will nullify the speed benefit).
> It is the C code which can suddenly do direct access to access the
> exported dict items - not Python code.

Maybe my exposure to C extensions is limited, but I haven't seen a whole
lot of C doing the equivalent of obj.attrname outside of the Python
standard library. And even then, it's not "I'm going to access attribute
Y of object X a million times", it's "I'm going to access some
attributes on some objects".  The only exception that I've seen happen
really at all is when someone converts their pure Python library that
interacts with other libraries into Pyrex.  But even then, repeated
access is generally uncommon except in wxPython uses; wx.<attrname>
(which I've never seen converted to Pyrex), and in those cases, repeated
access is generally rare.

I'm curious as to what kind of C code you are seeing in which these
cached lookups will help in a substantial way.

> > If I have a dictionary X, and X has exported keys, then whenever I
> > access exported values in the dictionary via X[key], your proposed
> > indirection will necessarily be slower than the current implementation.
> That is true, I acknowledged that. It is even true also that access to
> X[key] even when key is not exported is slower.  When I have a few
> spare moments, I'll try and benchmark how much slower it is.

I await your benchmarks.

> > > Attribute lookups in the class dict are all literal/static key lookups
> > > in a static dict (though in order for a code object to know that it is
> > > a static dict, a psyco-like system is required. If such a system is
> > > used, all of those dict lookups can be made faster as well).
> >
> > No, attribute lookups are not all literal/static key lookups.  See
> > getattr/setattr/delattr, operations on cls.__dict__, obj.__dict__, etc.
> I may have oversimplified a bit for the sake of explaining.  I was
> referring to the operations that are taken by LOAD_ATTR, as an
> example.
> Lets analyze the LOAD_ATTR bytecode instruction:
>  * Calls PyObject_GetAttr for the requested attribute name on the
> request object.
>  * PyObject_GetAttr redirects it to the type's tp_getattr[o].
>  * When tp_getattr[o] is not overridden, this calls PyObject_GenericGetAttr.
>  * PyObject_GenericGetAttr first looks for a method descriptor in
> dicts of every class in the entire __mro__. If it found a
> getter/setter descriptor, it uses that. If it didn't, it tries the
> instance dict, and then uses the class descriptor/attr.
> I believe this implementation to be very wasteful (specifically the
> last step) and I have posted a separate post about this in python-dev.

Due to the lack of support on the issue in python-dev (it would break
currently existing code, and the time for Python 3.0 PEPs is past), I
doubt you are going to get any changes in this area unless the resulting
semantics are unchanged.

> Since a "static lookup" costs a dereference and a conditional, and a
> dynamic lookup entails at least 4 C function calls (including C stack
> setup/unwinds), a few C assignments and C conditionals, I believe it
> is likely that this will pay off as a serious improvement in Python's
> performance, when combined with a psyco-like system (not an
> architecture-dependent ones).

It's really only useful if you are accessing fixed attributes of a fixed
object many times.  The only case I can think of where this kind of
thing would be useful (sufficient accesses to make a positive difference)
is in the case of module globals, but in that case, we can merely change
how module globals are implemented (more or less like self.__dict__ = ...
in the module's __init__ method).

> > From what I can gather (please describe the algorithm now that I have
> > asked twice), the only place where there exists improvement potential is
> > in the case of global lookups in a module.  That is to say, if a
> > function/method in module foo is accessing some global variable bar, the
> > compiler can replace LOAD_GLOBAL/STORE_GLOBAL/DEL_GLOBAL with an opcode
> > to access a special PyDictItem object that sits in the function/method
> > cell variables, rather than having to look in the globals dictionary
> > (that is attached to every function and method).
> As I explained above, there is room for improvement in normal
> attribute lookups, however that improvement requires a psyco-like
> system in order to be able to deduce which dicts are going to be
> accessed by the GetAttr mechanism and then using static lookups to
> access them directly.

Insights into a practical method of such optimizations are not leaping
forth from my brain (aside from using a probabilistic tracking mechanism
to minimize overhead), though my experience with JIT compilers is
limited.  Maybe someone else has a good method (though I suspect that
this particular problem is hard enough to make it not practical to make
it into Python).

> With access to globals and builtins, this optimization is indeed
> easier, and your description is correct, I can be a little more
> specific:
> * Each code object can contain a "co_globals_dict_items" and
> "co_builtins_dict_items" attributes that refer to the
> exported-dict-items for that literal name in both the globals and
> builtins dict.
> * Each access to a literal name in the globals/builtins namespace, at
> the compilation stage, will request the globals dict and builtins dict
> to create an exported item for that literal name. This exported item
> will be put into the co_globals_dict_items/co_builtins_dict_items in
> the code object.
> * LOAD_GLOBAL will not be used when literal name are accessed.
> Instead, a new bytecode instruction "LOAD_LITERAL_GLOBAL" with an
> index to the "co_globals_dict_items/co_builtins_dict_items" tuples in
> the code object.

You may want to change the name.  "Literal" implies a constant, like 1
or "hello", as in 'x = "hello"'.  LOAD_GLOBAL_FAST would seem to make
more sense to me, considering that is what it intends to do.

 - Josiah

From eyal.lotem at  Mon Jun 11 08:18:19 2007
From: eyal.lotem at (Eyal Lotem)
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 09:18:19 +0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] Exporting dict Items for direct lookups of
	specific keys
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/11/07, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> "Eyal Lotem" <eyal.lotem at> wrote:
> > On 6/10/07, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> > > "Eyal Lotem" <eyal.lotem at> wrote:
> > > > On 6/10/07, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> > > > Only access of exported items is O(1) time (when accessed via your
> > > > PyDictItem_obj->value), other items must be accessed normally and they
> > > > take just as much time (or as I explained and you reiterated, a tad
> > > > longer, as it requires a bitmap check and in the case of exported
> > > > items another dereference).
> > >
> > > But you still don't explain *how* these exported keys are going to be
> > > accessed.  Walk me through the steps required to improve access times in
> > > the following case:
> > >
> > > def foo(obj):
> > >     return
> > >
> > >
> > I think you missed what I said - I said that the functionality should
> > probably not be exported to Python - as Python has little to gain from
> > it (it would have to getattr a C method just to request the exported
> > item -- which will nullify the speed benefit).
> >
> > It is the C code which can suddenly do direct access to access the
> > exported dict items - not Python code.
> Maybe my exposure to C extensions is limited, but I haven't seen a whole
> lot of C doing the equivalent of obj.attrname outside of the Python
> standard library. And even then, it's not "I'm going to access attribute
> Y of object X a million times", it's "I'm going to access some
> attributes on some objects".  The only exception that I've seen happen
> really at all is when someone converts their pure Python library that
> interacts with other libraries into Pyrex.  But even then, repeated
> access is generally uncommon except in wxPython uses; wx.<attrname>
> (which I've never seen converted to Pyrex), and in those cases, repeated
> access is generally rare.
> I'm curious as to what kind of C code you are seeing in which these
> cached lookups will help in a substantial way.
While extensions are an optimization target, the main target is
global/builtin/attribute accessing code.

> > > If I have a dictionary X, and X has exported keys, then whenever I
> > > access exported values in the dictionary via X[key], your proposed
> > > indirection will necessarily be slower than the current implementation.
> >
> > That is true, I acknowledged that. It is even true also that access to
> > X[key] even when key is not exported is slower.  When I have a few
> > spare moments, I'll try and benchmark how much slower it is.
> I await your benchmarks.
I have started work on this. I am still struggling to understand some
nuances of dict's implementation in order to be able to make such a

> > > > Attribute lookups in the class dict are all literal/static key lookups
> > > > in a static dict (though in order for a code object to know that it is
> > > > a static dict, a psyco-like system is required. If such a system is
> > > > used, all of those dict lookups can be made faster as well).
> > >
> > > No, attribute lookups are not all literal/static key lookups.  See
> > > getattr/setattr/delattr, operations on cls.__dict__, obj.__dict__, etc.
> >
> > I may have oversimplified a bit for the sake of explaining.  I was
> > referring to the operations that are taken by LOAD_ATTR, as an
> > example.
> > Lets analyze the LOAD_ATTR bytecode instruction:
> >  * Calls PyObject_GetAttr for the requested attribute name on the
> > request object.
> >  * PyObject_GetAttr redirects it to the type's tp_getattr[o].
> >  * When tp_getattr[o] is not overridden, this calls PyObject_GenericGetAttr.
> >  * PyObject_GenericGetAttr first looks for a method descriptor in
> > dicts of every class in the entire __mro__. If it found a
> > getter/setter descriptor, it uses that. If it didn't, it tries the
> > instance dict, and then uses the class descriptor/attr.
> >
> > I believe this implementation to be very wasteful (specifically the
> > last step) and I have posted a separate post about this in python-dev.
> Due to the lack of support on the issue in python-dev (it would break
> currently existing code, and the time for Python 3.0 PEPs is past), I
> doubt you are going to get any changes in this area unless the resulting
> semantics are unchanged.

Well, I personally find those semantics (involving the question of
whether the class attribute has a __set__ or not) to be "inelegant",
at best, but since I realized that the optimization I am proposing is
orthogonal to that change, I have lost interest there.

> > Since a "static lookup" costs a dereference and a conditional, and a
> > dynamic lookup entails at least 4 C function calls (including C stack
> > setup/unwinds), a few C assignments and C conditionals, I believe it
> > is likely that this will pay off as a serious improvement in Python's
> > performance, when combined with a psyco-like system (not an
> > architecture-dependent ones).
> It's really only useful if you are accessing fixed attributes of a fixed
> object many times.  The only case I can think of where this kind of
> thing would be useful (sufficient accesses to make a positive difference)
> is in the case of module globals, but in that case, we can merely change
> how module globals are implemented (more or less like self.__dict__ = ...
> in the module's __init__ method).
That's not true.

As I explained, getattr accesses the types's mro dicts as well. So
even if you are accessing a lot of different instances, and those have
a shared (fixed) type, you can speed up the type-side dict lookup
(even if you still pay for a whole instance-side lookup).  Also,
"fixed-object" access can occur when you have a small number of
objects whose attributes are looked up many times. In such a case, a
psyco-like system can create a specialized code object specifically
for _instances_ (not just for types), each code object using "static
lookups" on the instance's dict as well, and not just on the class's

> > > From what I can gather (please describe the algorithm now that I have
> > > asked twice), the only place where there exists improvement potential is
> > > in the case of global lookups in a module.  That is to say, if a
> > > function/method in module foo is accessing some global variable bar, the
> > > compiler can replace LOAD_GLOBAL/STORE_GLOBAL/DEL_GLOBAL with an opcode
> > > to access a special PyDictItem object that sits in the function/method
> > > cell variables, rather than having to look in the globals dictionary
> > > (that is attached to every function and method).
> >
> > As I explained above, there is room for improvement in normal
> > attribute lookups, however that improvement requires a psyco-like
> > system in order to be able to deduce which dicts are going to be
> > accessed by the GetAttr mechanism and then using static lookups to
> > access them directly.
> Insights into a practical method of such optimizations are not leaping
> forth from my brain (aside from using a probabilistic tracking mechanism
> to minimize overhead), though my experience with JIT compilers is
> limited.  Maybe someone else has a good method (though I suspect that
> this particular problem is hard enough to make it not practical to make
> it into Python).

Implementing a psyco-like system in CPython is indeed not an easy
task. But it is possible. The simple idea is that you create
specialized code objects that are specific to an instance or to a type
in the code object when the code object is first run with that
instance or type, and use an exact-type check to invoke the right code
object.  The specialized code object can use "static lookups" in
dicts, and perhaps even avoid using obj->ob_type->slotname (instead
use slotname directly, as its already specific to a type).

> > With access to globals and builtins, this optimization is indeed
> > easier, and your description is correct, I can be a little more
> > specific:
> > * Each code object can contain a "co_globals_dict_items" and
> > "co_builtins_dict_items" attributes that refer to the
> > exported-dict-items for that literal name in both the globals and
> > builtins dict.
> >
> > * Each access to a literal name in the globals/builtins namespace, at
> > the compilation stage, will request the globals dict and builtins dict
> > to create an exported item for that literal name. This exported item
> > will be put into the co_globals_dict_items/co_builtins_dict_items in
> > the code object.
> >
> > * LOAD_GLOBAL will not be used when literal name are accessed.
> > Instead, a new bytecode instruction "LOAD_LITERAL_GLOBAL" with an
> > index to the "co_globals_dict_items/co_builtins_dict_items" tuples in
> > the code object.
> You may want to change the name.  "Literal" implies a constant, like 1
> or "hello", as in 'x = "hello"'.  LOAD_GLOBAL_FAST would seem to make
> more sense to me, considering that is what it intends to do.
Well, LOAD_GLOBAL_FAST can only be used when the string that's being
looked up is known at the code-object creation time, which means that
the attribute name was indeed literal.


From jimjjewett at  Mon Jun 11 17:04:22 2007
From: jimjjewett at (Jim Jewett)
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 11:04:22 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] Exporting dict Items for direct lookups of
	specific keys
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


Have you taken a look at Andrea Griffini's patch,


From jcarlson at  Mon Jun 11 18:45:41 2007
From: jcarlson at (Josiah Carlson)
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 09:45:41 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Exporting dict Items for direct lookups of
	specific keys
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

"Eyal Lotem" <eyal.lotem at> wrote:
> On 6/11/07, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> > "Eyal Lotem" <eyal.lotem at> wrote:
> > > On 6/10/07, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> > > > "Eyal Lotem" <eyal.lotem at> wrote:
> > > > > On 6/10/07, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> > > > > Only access of exported items is O(1) time (when accessed via your
> > > > > PyDictItem_obj->value), other items must be accessed normally and they
> > > > > take just as much time (or as I explained and you reiterated, a tad
> > > > > longer, as it requires a bitmap check and in the case of exported
> > > > > items another dereference).
> > > >
> > > > But you still don't explain *how* these exported keys are going to be
> > > > accessed.  Walk me through the steps required to improve access times in
> > > > the following case:
> > > >
> > > > def foo(obj):
> > > >     return
> > > >
> > > >
> > > I think you missed what I said - I said that the functionality should
> > > probably not be exported to Python - as Python has little to gain from
> > > it (it would have to getattr a C method just to request the exported
> > > item -- which will nullify the speed benefit).
> > >
> > > It is the C code which can suddenly do direct access to access the
> > > exported dict items - not Python code.
> While extensions are an optimization target, the main target is
> global/builtin/attribute accessing code.

Or really, module globals and __builtin__ accessing.  Arbitrary
attribute access is one of those "things most commonly done in Python". 
But just for the sake of future readers of this thread, could you
explicitly enumerate *which* things you intend to speed up with this

> > > Since a "static lookup" costs a dereference and a conditional, and a
> > > dynamic lookup entails at least 4 C function calls (including C stack
> > > setup/unwinds), a few C assignments and C conditionals, I believe it
> > > is likely that this will pay off as a serious improvement in Python's
> > > performance, when combined with a psyco-like system (not an
> > > architecture-dependent ones).
> >
> > It's really only useful if you are accessing fixed attributes of a fixed
> > object many times.  The only case I can think of where this kind of
> > thing would be useful (sufficient accesses to make a positive difference)
> > is in the case of module globals, but in that case, we can merely change
> > how module globals are implemented (more or less like self.__dict__ = ...
> > in the module's __init__ method).
> That's not true.
> As I explained, getattr accesses the types's mro dicts as well. So
> even if you are accessing a lot of different instances, and those have
> a shared (fixed) type, you can speed up the type-side dict lookup
> (even if you still pay for a whole instance-side lookup).  Also,

That's MRO caching, which you have already stated is orthogonal to this
particular proposal.

> "fixed-object" access can occur when you have a small number of
> objects whose attributes are looked up many times. In such a case, a
> psyco-like system can create a specialized code object specifically
> for _instances_ (not just for types), each code object using "static
> lookups" on the instance's dict as well, and not just on the class's
> dict.

If you re-read my last posting, which you quoted above and I re-quote,
you can easily replace 'fixed attributes of a fixed object' with 'fixed
attributes of a small set of fixed objects' and get what you say.  Aside
from module globals, when is this seen?

> > You may want to change the name.  "Literal" implies a constant, like 1
> > or "hello", as in 'x = "hello"'.  LOAD_GLOBAL_FAST would seem to make
> > more sense to me, considering that is what it intends to do.
> Well, LOAD_GLOBAL_FAST can only be used when the string that's being
> looked up is known at the code-object creation time, which means that
> the attribute name was indeed literal.

A literal is a value.  A name/identifier is a reference.

    a = "hello"
... "hello" is a literal.

    hello = 1
... hello is a name/identifier.

    b.hello = 1
... hello is a named attribute of an object named/identified by b.

 - Josiah

From eyal.lotem at  Tue Jun 12 14:25:47 2007
From: eyal.lotem at (Eyal Lotem)
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 15:25:47 +0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] Exporting dict Items for direct lookups of
	specific keys
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

That seems interesting.

My patch should have the same speed-up effect (assuming it has no
serious consequences on the performance of dicts in general) for
constant read-only globals/builtins, but it should also equally speed
up global writes and reads of globals/builtins that constantly change.

Thanks for the reference, it is encouraging as to what I can expect
from the speedup of my patch.

On 6/11/07, Jim Jewett <jimjjewett at> wrote:
> Eyal,
> Have you taken a look at Andrea Griffini's patch,
> -jJ

From eyal.lotem at  Tue Jun 12 14:56:07 2007
From: eyal.lotem at (Eyal Lotem)
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 15:56:07 +0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] Exporting dict Items for direct lookups of
	specific keys
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/11/07, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> "Eyal Lotem" <eyal.lotem at> wrote:
> > On 6/11/07, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> > > "Eyal Lotem" <eyal.lotem at> wrote:
> > > > On 6/10/07, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> > > > > "Eyal Lotem" <eyal.lotem at> wrote:
> > > > > > On 6/10/07, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> > > > > > Only access of exported items is O(1) time (when accessed via your
> > > > > > PyDictItem_obj->value), other items must be accessed normally and they
> > > > > > take just as much time (or as I explained and you reiterated, a tad
> > > > > > longer, as it requires a bitmap check and in the case of exported
> > > > > > items another dereference).
> > > > >
> > > > > But you still don't explain *how* these exported keys are going to be
> > > > > accessed.  Walk me through the steps required to improve access times in
> > > > > the following case:
> > > > >
> > > > > def foo(obj):
> > > > >     return
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > I think you missed what I said - I said that the functionality should
> > > > probably not be exported to Python - as Python has little to gain from
> > > > it (it would have to getattr a C method just to request the exported
> > > > item -- which will nullify the speed benefit).
> > > >
> > > > It is the C code which can suddenly do direct access to access the
> > > > exported dict items - not Python code.
> [snip]
> > While extensions are an optimization target, the main target is
> > global/builtin/attribute accessing code.
> Or really, module globals and __builtin__ accessing.  Arbitrary
> attribute access is one of those "things most commonly done in Python".
> But just for the sake of future readers of this thread, could you
> explicitly enumerate *which* things you intend to speed up with this
> work.

As for optimizing globals/builtins, this will be the effect of my patch:

global x
x = 5 # Direct access write instead of dict write
x # Direct access read
globals()['x'] = 5 # Same speed as before.
globals()['x'] # Same speed as before.
min # Two direct access reads, instead of 2 dict reads.

As for attribute access in classes, the speedup I can gain depends on
a psyco-like system. Lets assume that we have a system that utilizes a
new TYPE_FORK opcode that jumps to use different code according to a
map of types, for example, if we have:

def f(x, y):

Then we will create a TYPE_FORK opcode before x.hello() that takes 'x'
as an argument, and a map of types (initially empty).  When the exact
type of 'x' isn't in the map, then the rest of the code in the code
object after TYPE_FORK will have a specialized version created for x's
current type [only if that type doesn't override tp_getattr/o], and
inserted in the map.
The specialized version of the code will contain, instead of a
LOAD_ATTR for the string "hello", a FAST_LOAD_ATTR for the string
"hello" (associated with the direct-access dict item in the mro dict
(if there's no mro cache, I actually have a problem here, because I
don't know which dicts I need to export dict items from - and worse,
that list may change with time. The simplest solution is to use an
exported item from an mro cache dict)).

FAST_LOAD_ATTR will not call PyObject_GetAttr, but instead use the
exported dict items to find the descriptor/classattr using direct
If it found a descriptor with __get__/__set__, it will return its get-call.
Otherwise, it will do a normal expensive lookup on the instance dict
(for "hello") (unless __slots__ is defined in which case there is no
instance dict).
If it found that, it will return that.
Otherwise, it will return the descriptor's get-call if it has one or
the descriptor itself as a classattr.

In other words, I am reimplementing PyObject_GenericGetAttr here, but
for mro-side lookups, using my direct lookup.
The result is:

class X(object):
  def method(self, arg):
    self.x = arg # One direct-lookup+dict lookup instead of two dict lookups
    self.other_method() # One direct-lookup+dict lookup instead of two
dict lookups
class Y(object):
  __slots__ = ["x"]
  def method(self, arg):
    self.x = arg # One direct-lookup instead of one dict lookup
    self.other_method() # One direct-lookup instead of one dict lookup

A direct lookup is significantly cheaper than a dict lookup (as
optimized as dict is, it still involves C callstack setups/unwinds,
more conditionals, assignments, potential collisions and far more
Therefore, with the combination of a psyco-like system I can eliminate
one of two dict lookup costs, and with the combination of __slots__ as
well, I can eliminate one of one dict lookup costs.

> > > > Since a "static lookup" costs a dereference and a conditional, and a
> > > > dynamic lookup entails at least 4 C function calls (including C stack
> > > > setup/unwinds), a few C assignments and C conditionals, I believe it
> > > > is likely that this will pay off as a serious improvement in Python's
> > > > performance, when combined with a psyco-like system (not an
> > > > architecture-dependent ones).
> > >
> > > It's really only useful if you are accessing fixed attributes of a fixed
> > > object many times.  The only case I can think of where this kind of
> > > thing would be useful (sufficient accesses to make a positive difference)
> > > is in the case of module globals, but in that case, we can merely change
> > > how module globals are implemented (more or less like self.__dict__ = ...
> > > in the module's __init__ method).
> >
> > That's not true.
> >
> > As I explained, getattr accesses the types's mro dicts as well. So
> > even if you are accessing a lot of different instances, and those have
> > a shared (fixed) type, you can speed up the type-side dict lookup
> > (even if you still pay for a whole instance-side lookup).  Also,
> That's MRO caching, which you have already stated is orthogonal to this
> particular proposal.
I may have made a mistake before - its not completely orthogonal as an
MRO cache dict which can export items for direct access in psyco'd
code is a clean and simple solution, while the lack of an MRO cache
means that finding which class-side dicts to take exported items from
may be a difficult problem which may involve a cache of its own.

> > "fixed-object" access can occur when you have a small number of
> > objects whose attributes are looked up many times. In such a case, a
> > psyco-like system can create a specialized code object specifically
> > for _instances_ (not just for types), each code object using "static
> > lookups" on the instance's dict as well, and not just on the class's
> > dict.
> If you re-read my last posting, which you quoted above and I re-quote,
> you can easily replace 'fixed attributes of a fixed object' with 'fixed
> attributes of a small set of fixed objects' and get what you say.  Aside
> from module globals, when is this seen?
Its seen when many calls are made on singletons.
Its seen when an inner loop is not memory-intensive but is
computationally intensive - which would translate to having an
instance calling methods on itself or other instances.
You may only have 100 instances relevant in your inner loop which is
running many millions of times. In such a case, you will benefit
greatly if for every code object in the methods of every instance, you
create specialized code for every one of the types it is called with
(say, 3 types per code object), so you take perhaps a factor of 3 of
space for code objects (which  I believe are not a significant portion
of memory consumption in Python), but your performance will involve
_no_ dict access at all for attribute lookups, and instead will just
compare instance pointers and then use direct access.

> > > You may want to change the name.  "Literal" implies a constant, like 1
> > > or "hello", as in 'x = "hello"'.  LOAD_GLOBAL_FAST would seem to make
> > > more sense to me, considering that is what it intends to do.
> >
> > Well, LOAD_GLOBAL_FAST can only be used when the string that's being
> > looked up is known at the code-object creation time, which means that
> > the attribute name was indeed literal.
> A literal is a value.  A name/identifier is a reference.
> In:
>     a = "hello"
> ... "hello" is a literal.
> In:
>     hello = 1
> ... hello is a name/identifier.
> In:
>     b.hello = 1
> ... hello is a named attribute of an object named/identified by b.
Then I agree, the use of the word literal here is inappropriate,
constant/static may be more appropriate.


From matt-python at  Mon Jun 18 06:35:52 2007
From: matt-python at (Matt Chisholm)
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2007 21:35:52 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] labeled break/continue
Message-ID: <>

Hi.  I was wondering if there had ever been an official decision on
the idea of adding labeled break and continue functionality to Python.

I've found a few places where the idea has come up, in the context of
named code blocks:

and in the context of discussing do/while loops and assignments in

Both of those discussions just kind of petered out or changed
direction without any conclusion.

There's also this Python 2.6 which has a similar syntax (although
different semantics) to one of the syntaxes proposed in the first
discussion above:

I would be willing to help make a case and then write a PEP for
labeled break and continue, as long as the community or the BDFL
hasn't already decided against it. 


P.S. My apologies about cross posting; python-ideas seems like a
better place to post this, but PEP 1 says to post to python-list.

From aahz at  Mon Jun 18 07:11:00 2007
From: aahz at (Aahz)
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2007 22:11:00 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] labeled break/continue
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Sun, Jun 17, 2007, Matt Chisholm wrote:
> I would be willing to help make a case and then write a PEP for
> labeled break and continue, as long as the community or the BDFL
> hasn't already decided against it. 

You would do the community a service to write the PEP even if the BDFL
already vetoed it -- PEPs are valuable documentation of *why* an idea is
Aahz (aahz at           <*>

"as long as we like the same operating system, things are cool." --piranha

From eyal.lotem at  Tue Jun 19 17:13:10 2007
From: eyal.lotem at (Eyal Lotem)
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 18:13:10 +0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] Accelerated attr lookups
Message-ID: <>

Hi, I have attached a patch at:

A common optimization tip for Python code is to use locals rather than
globals. This converts dictionary lookups of (interned) strings to
tuple indexing. I have created a patch that achieves this speed
benefit "automatically" for all globals and builtins, by adding a
feature to dictobjects.

Additionally, the idea of this patch is that it puts down the
necessary infrastructure to also allow virtually all attribute
accesses to also be
accelerated in the same way (with some extra work, of course).

I have already suggested this before but I got the impression that the
spirit of the replies was "talk is cheap, show us the
code/benchmarks".  So I wrote some code.

Getting the changes to work was not easy, and required learning about
the nuances of dictobject's, their re-entrancy issues, etc. These
changes do slow down dictobjects, but it seems that this slowdown is
more than offset by the speed increase of builtins/globals access.


A set of benchmarks that repeatedly perform:
A. Global reads
B. Global writes
C. Builtin reads
with little overheads (just repeatedly issuing global/builtin access
bytecodes, many times per loop iteration to minimize the loop
overhead), yield 30% time decrease (~42% speed increase).

Regression tests take ~62 seconds (of user+sys time) with Python2.6 trunk
Regression tests take ~65 seconds (of user+sys time) with the patch
Regression tests are about ~4.5% slower.
(Though Regression tests probably spend their running time on a lot
more code than other programs, so are not a good benchmark, which
spends more time instantiating function objects, and less time
executing them)

pystone seems to be improved by about 5%.

My conclusions:
The LOAD_GLOBAL/STORE_GLOBAL opcodes are considerably faster.  Dict
accesses or perhaps the general extra activity around seem to be
insignificantly slower, or at least cancel out against the speed
benefits in the regression tests.

The next step I am going to try, is to replace the PyObject_GetAttr
call with code that:
* Calls PyObject_GetAttr only if GenericGetAttr is not the object's
handler, as to allow modifying the behaviour.
* Otherwise, remember for each attribute-accessing opcode, the last
type from which the attribute was accessed. A single pointer
comparison can check if the attribute access is using the same type.
In case it does, it can use a stored exported key from the type
dictionary [or from an mro cache dictionary for that type, if that is
added], rather than a dict lookup. If it yields the same speed
benefit, it could make attribute access opcodes up-to 42% faster as
well, when used on the same types (which is probably the common case,
particularly in inner loops).

This will allow, with the combination of __slots__, to eliminate all
dict lookups for most instance-side accesses as well.

P.S: I discovered a lot of code duplication (and "went along" and
duplicated my code in the same spirit), but was wondering if a patch
that utilized C's preprocessor heavily to prevent code duplication in
CPython's code, and trusting the "inline" keyword to prevent thousands
of lines in the same function (ceval.c's opcode switch) would be

From brett at  Tue Jun 19 20:21:39 2007
From: brett at (Brett Cannon)
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 11:21:39 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] Accelerated attr lookups
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/19/07, Eyal Lotem <eyal.lotem at> wrote:


> P.S: I discovered a lot of code duplication (and "went along" and
> duplicated my code in the same spirit), but was wondering if a patch
> that utilized C's preprocessor heavily to prevent code duplication in
> CPython's code, and trusting the "inline" keyword to prevent thousands
> of lines in the same function (ceval.c's opcode switch) would be
> accepted.

Preprocessor stuff is fine.  But 'inline' is not a valid keyword in
C89 so that will not be accepted.


From showell30 at  Wed Jun 20 03:35:13 2007
From: showell30 at (Steve Howell)
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 18:35:13 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] English builtins for Python
Message-ID: <>

I somewhat tongue-in-cheekly propose to make the first
seven most common English words all integral part of
the Python language (three already are):


1 the:

    the class Logger:
        # ...

2 of

    class Square of Shape::
        # pass

3 to

    print('hello world') to sys.stdout

4 and
    already a keyword

5 a

    if object is a dict:
        # ...

6 in
    already a keyword

7 is
    already a keyword

Then it gets tougher:

   8 it
   9 you
  10 that

Top 500 words that are already
keywords/builtins/conventions in Python:

  27 or
  49 each
  55 if
 189 try
 198 self
 251 open
 254 next
Top 500 words that are already keywords in some

  25 this
  52 do
  68 long

Top 500 words that should NEVER be keywords:

 78 could
 81 did
180 men
252 seem
435 oh

Words that seem like they'd be part of a programming
language, but maybe a bad idea:

  74 has
  82 my
 120 every
 148 too

Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with Yahoo! FareChase.

From eduardo.padoan at  Wed Jun 20 04:04:07 2007
From: eduardo.padoan at (Eduardo "EdCrypt" O. Padoan)
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 23:04:07 -0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] English builtins for Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

> Top 500 words that are already
> keywords/builtins/conventions in Python:
>   27 or
>   49 each
>   55 if
>  189 try
>  198 self
>  251 open
>  254 next

13 for
16 with
17 as
26 from

EduardoOPadoan (eopadoan->altavix::com)

From fdrake at  Wed Jun 20 04:13:54 2007
From: fdrake at (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 22:13:54 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] English builtins for Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tuesday 19 June 2007, Steve Howell wrote:
 > Words that seem like they'd be part of a programming
 > language, but maybe a bad idea:
 >   82 my

Perl uses this one.  ;-)


Fred L. Drake, Jr.   <fdrake at>

From showell30 at  Wed Jun 20 04:19:46 2007
From: showell30 at (Steve Howell)
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 19:19:46 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] English builtins for Python
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- "Fred L. Drake, Jr." <fdrake at> wrote:

> On Tuesday 19 June 2007, Steve Howell wrote:
>  > Words that seem like they'd be part of a
> programming
>  > language, but maybe a bad idea:
> ...
>  >   82 my
> Perl uses this one.  ;-)

Yes indeed!  It uses "our" as well:

I don't remember whether Perl has "theirs," "yours,"
"his," "hers," etc.

Expecting? Get great news right away with email Auto-Check. 
Try the Yahoo! Mail Beta. 

From adam at  Wed Jun 20 04:21:33 2007
From: adam at (Adam Atlas)
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 22:21:33 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] English builtins for Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 19 Jun 2007, at 21.35, Steve Howell wrote:
> Top 500 words that should NEVER be keywords:
>  78 could
>  81 did
> 180 men
> 252 seem
> 435 oh

I'm having fun thinking about the possibilities of these.

"could" could be a keyword if we had a magical Nondeterministic  
Turing Machine. You could have a "could" block (with a suite)  
followed by at least one (but unlimited) "else" blocks. And when that  
code was encountered, it would automatically choose the right one. :P

From fdrake at  Wed Jun 20 05:00:52 2007
From: fdrake at (Fred L. Drake, Jr.)
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2007 23:00:52 -0400
Subject: [Python-ideas] English builtins for Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Tuesday 19 June 2007, Steve Howell wrote:
 > Yes indeed!  It uses "our" as well:


 > I don't remember whether Perl has "theirs," "yours,"
 > "his," "hers," etc.

I don't even want to know....


Fred L. Drake, Jr.   <fdrake at>

From eyal.lotem at  Wed Jun 20 11:50:21 2007
From: eyal.lotem at (Eyal Lotem)
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 12:50:21 +0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] Exporting dict Items for direct lookups of
	specific keys
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I have created a new thread on Python Ideas to discuss this.
I have also wrote some code and attached a patch.

I did not eventually have to use a bitmap in dicts, but could abuse
the top hash bit instead:

pystones and other benchmarks seem to accelerate by about 5%. Other
specific benchmarks built to measure the speed increase of the
globals/builtins keywords measure a 42% speedup.
Regression tests are less than 5% slower, but I assume that if adding
this acceleration to attr lookups as well, they will be accelerated


On 6/12/07, Eyal Lotem <eyal.lotem at> wrote:
> On 6/11/07, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> >
> > "Eyal Lotem" <eyal.lotem at> wrote:
> > > On 6/11/07, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> > > > "Eyal Lotem" <eyal.lotem at> wrote:
> > > > > On 6/10/07, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> > > > > > "Eyal Lotem" <eyal.lotem at> wrote:
> > > > > > > On 6/10/07, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> wrote:
> > > > > > > Only access of exported items is O(1) time (when accessed via your
> > > > > > > PyDictItem_obj->value), other items must be accessed normally and they
> > > > > > > take just as much time (or as I explained and you reiterated, a tad
> > > > > > > longer, as it requires a bitmap check and in the case of exported
> > > > > > > items another dereference).
> > > > > >
> > > > > > But you still don't explain *how* these exported keys are going to be
> > > > > > accessed.  Walk me through the steps required to improve access times in
> > > > > > the following case:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > def foo(obj):
> > > > > >     return
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > I think you missed what I said - I said that the functionality should
> > > > > probably not be exported to Python - as Python has little to gain from
> > > > > it (it would have to getattr a C method just to request the exported
> > > > > item -- which will nullify the speed benefit).
> > > > >
> > > > > It is the C code which can suddenly do direct access to access the
> > > > > exported dict items - not Python code.
> > [snip]
> > > While extensions are an optimization target, the main target is
> > > global/builtin/attribute accessing code.
> >
> > Or really, module globals and __builtin__ accessing.  Arbitrary
> > attribute access is one of those "things most commonly done in Python".
> > But just for the sake of future readers of this thread, could you
> > explicitly enumerate *which* things you intend to speed up with this
> > work.
> As for optimizing globals/builtins, this will be the effect of my patch:
> global x
> x = 5 # Direct access write instead of dict write
> x # Direct access read
> globals()['x'] = 5 # Same speed as before.
> globals()['x'] # Same speed as before.
> min # Two direct access reads, instead of 2 dict reads.
> As for attribute access in classes, the speedup I can gain depends on
> a psyco-like system. Lets assume that we have a system that utilizes a
> new TYPE_FORK opcode that jumps to use different code according to a
> map of types, for example, if we have:
> def f(x, y):
>   x.hello()
> Then we will create a TYPE_FORK opcode before x.hello() that takes 'x'
> as an argument, and a map of types (initially empty).  When the exact
> type of 'x' isn't in the map, then the rest of the code in the code
> object after TYPE_FORK will have a specialized version created for x's
> current type [only if that type doesn't override tp_getattr/o], and
> inserted in the map.
> The specialized version of the code will contain, instead of a
> LOAD_ATTR for the string "hello", a FAST_LOAD_ATTR for the string
> "hello" (associated with the direct-access dict item in the mro dict
> (if there's no mro cache, I actually have a problem here, because I
> don't know which dicts I need to export dict items from - and worse,
> that list may change with time. The simplest solution is to use an
> exported item from an mro cache dict)).
> FAST_LOAD_ATTR will not call PyObject_GetAttr, but instead use the
> exported dict items to find the descriptor/classattr using direct
> access.
> If it found a descriptor with __get__/__set__, it will return its get-call.
> Otherwise, it will do a normal expensive lookup on the instance dict
> (for "hello") (unless __slots__ is defined in which case there is no
> instance dict).
> If it found that, it will return that.
> Otherwise, it will return the descriptor's get-call if it has one or
> the descriptor itself as a classattr.
> In other words, I am reimplementing PyObject_GenericGetAttr here, but
> for mro-side lookups, using my direct lookup.
> The result is:
> class X(object):
>   def method(self, arg):
>     self.x = arg # One direct-lookup+dict lookup instead of two dict lookups
>     self.other_method() # One direct-lookup+dict lookup instead of two
> dict lookups
> class Y(object):
>   __slots__ = ["x"]
>   def method(self, arg):
>     self.x = arg # One direct-lookup instead of one dict lookup
>     self.other_method() # One direct-lookup instead of one dict lookup
> A direct lookup is significantly cheaper than a dict lookup (as
> optimized as dict is, it still involves C callstack setups/unwinds,
> more conditionals, assignments, potential collisions and far more
> instructions).
> Therefore, with the combination of a psyco-like system I can eliminate
> one of two dict lookup costs, and with the combination of __slots__ as
> well, I can eliminate one of one dict lookup costs.
> > > > > Since a "static lookup" costs a dereference and a conditional, and a
> > > > > dynamic lookup entails at least 4 C function calls (including C stack
> > > > > setup/unwinds), a few C assignments and C conditionals, I believe it
> > > > > is likely that this will pay off as a serious improvement in Python's
> > > > > performance, when combined with a psyco-like system (not an
> > > > > architecture-dependent ones).
> > > >
> > > > It's really only useful if you are accessing fixed attributes of a fixed
> > > > object many times.  The only case I can think of where this kind of
> > > > thing would be useful (sufficient accesses to make a positive difference)
> > > > is in the case of module globals, but in that case, we can merely change
> > > > how module globals are implemented (more or less like self.__dict__ = ...
> > > > in the module's __init__ method).
> > >
> > > That's not true.
> > >
> > > As I explained, getattr accesses the types's mro dicts as well. So
> > > even if you are accessing a lot of different instances, and those have
> > > a shared (fixed) type, you can speed up the type-side dict lookup
> > > (even if you still pay for a whole instance-side lookup).  Also,
> >
> > That's MRO caching, which you have already stated is orthogonal to this
> > particular proposal.
> I may have made a mistake before - its not completely orthogonal as an
> MRO cache dict which can export items for direct access in psyco'd
> code is a clean and simple solution, while the lack of an MRO cache
> means that finding which class-side dicts to take exported items from
> may be a difficult problem which may involve a cache of its own.
> > > "fixed-object" access can occur when you have a small number of
> > > objects whose attributes are looked up many times. In such a case, a
> > > psyco-like system can create a specialized code object specifically
> > > for _instances_ (not just for types), each code object using "static
> > > lookups" on the instance's dict as well, and not just on the class's
> > > dict.
> >
> > If you re-read my last posting, which you quoted above and I re-quote,
> > you can easily replace 'fixed attributes of a fixed object' with 'fixed
> > attributes of a small set of fixed objects' and get what you say.  Aside
> > from module globals, when is this seen?
> Its seen when many calls are made on singletons.
> Its seen when an inner loop is not memory-intensive but is
> computationally intensive - which would translate to having an
> instance calling methods on itself or other instances.
> You may only have 100 instances relevant in your inner loop which is
> running many millions of times. In such a case, you will benefit
> greatly if for every code object in the methods of every instance, you
> create specialized code for every one of the types it is called with
> (say, 3 types per code object), so you take perhaps a factor of 3 of
> space for code objects (which  I believe are not a significant portion
> of memory consumption in Python), but your performance will involve
> _no_ dict access at all for attribute lookups, and instead will just
> compare instance pointers and then use direct access.
> > > > You may want to change the name.  "Literal" implies a constant, like 1
> > > > or "hello", as in 'x = "hello"'.  LOAD_GLOBAL_FAST would seem to make
> > > > more sense to me, considering that is what it intends to do.
> > >
> > > Well, LOAD_GLOBAL_FAST can only be used when the string that's being
> > > looked up is known at the code-object creation time, which means that
> > > the attribute name was indeed literal.
> >
> > A literal is a value.  A name/identifier is a reference.
> >
> > In:
> >     a = "hello"
> > ... "hello" is a literal.
> >
> > In:
> >     hello = 1
> > ... hello is a name/identifier.
> >
> > In:
> >     b.hello = 1
> > ... hello is a named attribute of an object named/identified by b.
> Then I agree, the use of the word literal here is inappropriate,
> constant/static may be more appropriate.
> Eyal

From grosser.meister.morti at  Wed Jun 20 15:55:42 2007
From: grosser.meister.morti at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Mathias_Panzenb=F6ck?=)
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 15:55:42 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] English builtins for Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Steve Howell schrieb:
> I somewhat tongue-in-cheekly propose to make the first
> seven most common English words all integral part of
> the Python language (three already are):
> source:
> 1 the:
>     Singletons:
>     the class Logger:
>         # ...
> 2 of
>     inheritance:
>     class Square of Shape::
>         # pass
> 3 to
>     printing:
>     print('hello world') to sys.stdout
> 4 and
>     already a keyword
> 5 a
>     introspection:
>     if object is a dict:
>         # ...

is "a" the keyword or is it "is a"?

> 6 in
>     already a keyword
> 7 is
>     already a keyword
> Then it gets tougher:
>    8 it
>    9 you
>   10 that
> Top 500 words that are already
> keywords/builtins/conventions in Python:
>   27 or
>   49 each

each is a keyword? I don't think so. else is a keyword.

>   55 if
>  189 try
>  198 self

self is not a keyword, its a convention.

>  251 open

open is not a keyword, its a other name for the class "file".

>  254 next

next is not a keyword. its the name of a method of an iterator.
there are a lot of more methods in python which are single words.
why don't list them, too? ;)

> Top 500 words that are already keywords in some
> languages:
>   25 this
>   52 do
>   68 long
> Top 500 words that should NEVER be keywords:
>  78 could
>  81 did
> 180 men
> 252 seem
> 435 oh
> Words that seem like they'd be part of a programming
> language, but maybe a bad idea:
>   74 has
>   82 my
>  120 every
>  148 too

From showell30 at  Wed Jun 20 16:19:07 2007
From: showell30 at (Steve Howell)
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 07:19:07 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] English builtins for Python
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- Mathias Panzenb?ck <grosser.meister.morti at>
> > Top 500 words that are already
> > keywords/builtins/conventions in Python:
> > 
> >   27 or
> >   49 each
> each is a keyword? I don't think so. else is a
> keyword.

I take back "each."

> >   55 if
> >  189 try
> >  198 self
> self is not a keyword, its a convention.

You're not reading very carefully.  Scroll up, I said
> next is not a keyword. its the name of a method of
> an iterator.
> there are a lot of more methods in python which are
> single words.
> why don't list them, too? ;)

 63 write
102 new
163 read
245 close

Having listed those, it's actually kind of striking
how few "common" English words have general enough
meaning to be "common" programming words.

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From jason.orendorff at  Wed Jun 20 22:21:19 2007
From: jason.orendorff at (Jason Orendorff)
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 13:21:19 -0700
Subject: [Python-ideas] English builtins for Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On 6/19/07, Steve Howell <showell30 at> wrote:
> I somewhat tongue-in-cheekly propose to make the first
> seven most common English words all integral part of
> the Python language (three already are):
> [...]

This made me smile.  Incidentally, Inform 7 has noun phrases
where the words {a, an, the, any, all, most, least} have
meanings; it can also be made to understand adjectives,
nouns, and prepositions.  So you can say things like:

  let x = the most annoying person in the location

  now all programmers are enlightened

Not appropriate for Python, though.

Inform 7:

Me, previously, on noun phrases:


From greg.ewing at  Thu Jun 21 05:01:22 2007
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 15:01:22 +1200
Subject: [Python-ideas] English builtins for Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Mathias Panzenb?ck wrote:

> is "a" the keyword or is it "is a"?

To be practical, it would have to be a pseudo-keyword
that was only recognised after "is".

But it would be nicely perverse to make it a true
keyword. :-)

BTW, something like this actually happens in ALAN
(a language for writing interactive fiction, aka
adventure games) where you can't use "a" as part
of the player-usable name of an object, because the
command parser treats it as an indefinite article.
So your courtroom drama can't have an object that
the player refers to as "Exhibit A". "Exhibit B"
is fine, though. :-)

(This was true in Alan 2 at least -- Alan 3 might
have improved matters.)


From greg.ewing at  Thu Jun 21 05:25:50 2007
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 15:25:50 +1200
Subject: [Python-ideas] English builtins for Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Jason Orendorff wrote:
> Incidentally, Inform 7 has noun phrases
> where the words {a, an, the, any, all, most, least} have
> meanings;

Although it seems that I7 doesn't really have any
reserved words in the usual sense. Whether a given
word has a special meaning seems to he highly
context-dependent, which makes forming a mental
model of the grammar rather challenging...

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, +--------------------------------------+
University of Canterbury,	   | Carpe post meridiem!          	  |
Christchurch, New Zealand	   | (I'm not a morning person.)          |
greg.ewing at	   +--------------------------------------+

From showell30 at  Thu Jun 21 11:36:05 2007
From: showell30 at (Steve Howell)
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 02:36:05 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] English builtins for Python
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- Jason Orendorff <jason.orendorff at> wrote:
> Me, previously, on noun phrases:

In that post you said:

Noun phrases are the product of a linguistic evolution
that was 
basically finished thousands of years before we were
born.  The syntax 
isn't merely interesting.  It's the best concrete
syntax for the 
abstract concept it represents.  Period.  You're not
going to beat it. 
(Well, arguably.  My assumption here is that evolution
is smarter than 
engineers, which I think ought not be controversial.) 

Yes indeed.  I was experiencing a similar thought
process as I was writing my post.  Although you pick
out noun phrases as a sort of inevitable evolutionary
outcome of human speech optimized on some valid
dimension, I was picking up on a different figure of
speech, the article.  It's amazing how uncommon "the"
and "a" are in mainstream programming languages.  I'm
not saying they should be (although I think there's
some argument to using "the" for singletons), I just
find it curious that they shouldn't be, and there's
been enough evolution on programming languages (albeit
a small amount of time compared to natural languages)
to suggest that articles (as builtins) are just
somehow *wrong* in programming languages.  Yet they're
so incredible popular in "natural" languages.

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From showell30 at  Thu Jun 21 12:09:28 2007
From: showell30 at (Steve Howell)
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 03:09:28 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] English builtins for Python
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> wrote:

> Mathias Panzenb?ck wrote:
> > is "a" the keyword or is it "is a"?
> To be practical, it would have to be a
> pseudo-keyword
> that was only recognised after "is".
> But it would be nicely perverse to make it a true
> keyword. :-)

A similarly perverse thought is to make "um" a keyword
and allow it, um, almost anywhere it could possibly
make sense.  Which I think is almost everywhere.

If the Python interpreter failed on a line with "um"
in it, perhaps it would be extra aggressive in
providing traceback information. :)

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From arno at  Thu Jun 21 19:41:26 2007
From: arno at (Arnaud Delobelle)
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 18:41:26 +0100 (BST)
Subject: [Python-ideas] English builtins for Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, June 21, 2007 10:36 am, Steve Howell wrote:
> It's amazing how uncommon "the"
> and "a" are in mainstream programming languages.  I'm
> not saying they should be (although I think there's
> some argument to using "the" for singletons), I just
> find it curious that they shouldn't be, and there's
> been enough evolution on programming languages (albeit
> a small amount of time compared to natural languages)
> to suggest that articles (as builtins) are just
> somehow *wrong* in programming languages.  Yet they're
> so incredible popular in "natural" languages.

from random import randrange

ABIGNUMBER = 100000 # or should it be THEBIGNUMBER?

class ArticleError(Exception): pass

def the(s):
        s = iter(s)
        ret =
        for el in s: raise ArticleError
        return ret
    except (StopIteration, TypeError):
        raise ArticleError("'the' argument must be a singleton iterable")

def a(s):
        s = iter(s)
        for i, el in enumerate(s):
            if not randrange(i+1): ret = el
            if i == ABIGNUMBER: return ret
        return ret
    except (NameError, TypeError):
        raise ArticleError("'a' argument must be a non-empty iterable")

an = a # for convenience :)

--------------------- How to use 'a(n)' and 'the' -------

>>> a ('python')
>>> a ('python')
>>> an (x for x in range(10) if x+x==x*x)
>>> an (x for x in range(10) if x+x==x*x)
>>> an (x for x in range(10) if x+x==x*x)
>>> the (x for x in range(10) if x+x==x*x)
Traceback (most recent call last):
__main__.ArticleError: 'the' argument must be a singleton iterable
>>> the (x for x in range(1, 10) if x+x==x*x)
>>> from itertools import count
>>> a (count())
>>> a (count())
>>> from itertools import repeat
>>> a (repeat('spam'))


From showell30 at  Thu Jun 21 20:14:16 2007
From: showell30 at (Steve Howell)
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 11:14:16 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] English builtins for Python
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- Arnaud Delobelle <arno at> wrote:
> from random import randrange
> ABIGNUMBER = 100000 # or should it be THEBIGNUMBER?
> class ArticleError(Exception): pass
> def the(s):
>     try:
>         s = iter(s)
>         ret =
>         for el in s: raise ArticleError
>         return ret
>     except (StopIteration, TypeError):
>         raise ArticleError("'the' argument must be a
> singleton iterable")
> def a(s):
>     try:
>         s = iter(s)
>         for i, el in enumerate(s):
>             if not randrange(i+1): ret = el
>             if i == ABIGNUMBER: return ret
>         return ret
>     except (NameError, TypeError):
>         raise ArticleError("'a' argument must be a
> non-empty iterable")

Good stuff, I like it.  Not sure I would actually use
it, but it's a good brainstorm... :)

> an = a # for convenience :)

Of course!

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.  

From carroll at  Fri Jun 22 00:40:42 2007
From: carroll at (Terry Carroll)
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 15:40:42 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] English builtins for Python
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

On Thu, 21 Jun 2007, Steve Howell wrote:

> A similarly perverse thought is to make "um" a keyword
> and allow it, um, almost anywhere it could possibly
> make sense.  Which I think is almost everywhere.

I propose we make "um" a keyword that is synonymous with \-NEWLINE to 
indicate that an incomplete statement is being continued.

From greg.ewing at  Fri Jun 22 03:12:55 2007
From: greg.ewing at (Greg Ewing)
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 13:12:55 +1200
Subject: [Python-ideas] English builtins for Python
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Steve Howell wrote:
> suggest that articles (as builtins) are just
> somehow *wrong* in programming languages.  Yet they're
> so incredible popular in "natural" languages.

Popularity of a given feature in natural languages
doesn't necessarily imply optimality -- it could
just be a result of those languages having a common

Linguists have concluded that most of the languages
in use today, even ones that seem very different,
can be traced back to a single ancestral language.


From showell30 at  Fri Jun 22 04:15:50 2007
From: showell30 at (Steve Howell)
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 19:15:50 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [Python-ideas] English builtins for Python
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

--- Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at> wrote:

> Steve Howell wrote:
> > suggest that articles (as builtins) are just
> > somehow *wrong* in programming languages.  Yet
> they're
> > so incredible popular in "natural" languages.
> Popularity of a given feature in natural languages
> doesn't necessarily imply optimality -- it could
> just be a result of those languages having a common
> ancestor.

Sure, but languages do evolve.  Two examples:

  1) The more popular words tend to get shortened over

  2) Languages tend to appropriate only the most
expressive words or phrases from other languages.

> Linguists have concluded that most of the languages
> in use today, even ones that seem very different,
> can be traced back to a single ancestral language.

Same for programming languages to a certain degree. 
For example, Python has some stuff from C that would
arguably not be there if it had been designed in a
vacuum, but it traces some of its roots to C.

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From rasky at  Thu Jun 28 22:14:37 2007
From: rasky at (Giovanni Bajo)
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 22:14:37 +0200
Subject: [Python-ideas] Accelerated attr lookups
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <f614rd$gr4$>

On 19/06/2007 17.13, Eyal Lotem wrote:

> Hi, I have attached a patch at:
> A common optimization tip for Python code is to use locals rather than
> globals. This converts dictionary lookups of (interned) strings to
> tuple indexing. I have created a patch that achieves this speed
> benefit "automatically" for all globals and builtins, by adding a
> feature to dictobjects.
> Additionally, the idea of this patch is that it puts down the
> necessary infrastructure to also allow virtually all attribute
> accesses to also be
> accelerated in the same way (with some extra work, of course).
> I have already suggested this before but I got the impression that the
> spirit of the replies was "talk is cheap, show us the
> code/benchmarks".  So I wrote some code.
> Getting the changes to work was not easy, and required learning about
> the nuances of dictobject's, their re-entrancy issues, etc. These
> changes do slow down dictobjects, but it seems that this slowdown is
> more than offset by the speed increase of builtins/globals access.

How does it compare with this patch:

Giovanni Bajo

From eyal.lotem at  Thu Jun 28 23:41:58 2007
From: eyal.lotem at (Eyal Lotem)
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 00:41:58 +0300
Subject: [Python-ideas] Accelerated attr lookups
In-Reply-To: <f614rd$gr4$>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I haven't compared benchmarks, but I strongly suspect that my patch is
not as fast for "real" programs, as in real programs, globals/builtins
are almost only exclusively read, and almost never written to.
His patch accelerates global reads by as much as mine does, without
making function object creation as expensive, and his addition of
overhead to dicts is probably smaller. My patch also accelerates
writes, but as I said, that will go nearly unnoticed normally.

My patch is not the end, but a means to an end. If the purpose is only
accelerating globals/builtins access, then the patch you linked to is
simpler and better.  The purpose I aim for, however, is to later use
the same technique to also accelerate access to the dicts in the type
or even in the instance, by specializing them in function objects.
This will allow to get rid of almost all attribute lookups in dicts.
Combined with the use of __slots__ in all classes, no dict lookups
will be used at all for attributes at all, except in "getattr" calls.
Combined with an mro cache, this should put Python very close to C in
terms of attribute access speed (simple direct access).


On 6/28/07, Giovanni Bajo <rasky at> wrote:
> On 19/06/2007 17.13, Eyal Lotem wrote:
> > Hi, I have attached a patch at:
> >
> >
> > A common optimization tip for Python code is to use locals rather than
> > globals. This converts dictionary lookups of (interned) strings to
> > tuple indexing. I have created a patch that achieves this speed
> > benefit "automatically" for all globals and builtins, by adding a
> > feature to dictobjects.
> >
> > Additionally, the idea of this patch is that it puts down the
> > necessary infrastructure to also allow virtually all attribute
> > accesses to also be
> > accelerated in the same way (with some extra work, of course).
> >
> > I have already suggested this before but I got the impression that the
> > spirit of the replies was "talk is cheap, show us the
> > code/benchmarks".  So I wrote some code.
> >
> > Getting the changes to work was not easy, and required learning about
> > the nuances of dictobject's, their re-entrancy issues, etc. These
> > changes do slow down dictobjects, but it seems that this slowdown is
> > more than offset by the speed increase of builtins/globals access.
> How does it compare with this patch:
> ?
> --
> Giovanni Bajo
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