[Python-ideas] Required to call superclass __init__

Neil Toronto ntoronto at cs.byu.edu
Wed Nov 14 11:38:05 CET 2007

Since I know you're all dying to see the code... ;)

This works for instance methods, classmethods, staticmethods (if cls or 
self is the first parameter, as in __new__), and probably most decorated 

Current Issues I Can Think Of:
  - @classmethod overrides that don't redecorate with @classmethod always
    raise TypeError (maybe not such a bad thing)
  - exceptions can cause entries in the __supercalls__ set to accumulate
    unboundedly (can be fixed)

Anyway, here's a concrete implementation. Is the "missed super call" 
problem big or annoying enough to warrant having language, runtime, or 
library support for a similar solution?

import threading
import types

class _supercall_set(object):
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         # Removing threading.local() should make this faster
         # but not thread-safe
         self.loc = threading.local()
         self.loc.s = set(*args, **kwargs)

     def add(self, key): self.loc.s.add(key)
     def discard(self, key): self.loc.s.discard(key)
     def __contains__(self, key): return self.loc.s.__contains__(key)
     def __repr__(self): return self.loc.s.__repr__()

def _unwrap_rewrap(func):
     '''For supported types (classmethod, staticmethod, function),
     returns the actual function and a function to re-wrap it, if
     necessary. Raises TypeError if func's type isn't supported.'''

     if isinstance(func, classmethod):
         return func.__get__(func).im_func, type(func)
     elif isinstance(func, staticmethod):
         return func.__get__(func), type(func)
     elif isinstance(func, types.FunctionType):
         return func, lambda func: func

     raise TypeError('unsupported type %s' % type(func))

def super_required(func):
     Marks a method as requiring subclass overrides to call it, either
     directly or via a super() call. Works with all undecorated
     methods, classmethods, staticmethods (fragile: only if 'cls' or
     'self' is the first parameter) including __new__, and probably
     most other decorated methods. Correct operation is guaranteed only
     when the method is in a subclass of require_super.

     If a super_required override has a superclass method that is also
     super_required, the override will not be required to call the
     superclass method, either directly or via a super() call.

     The superclass call requirement can be cancelled for a method and
     methods of the same name in all future subclasses using the
     super_not_required decorator.

     The implementation should be as thread-safe as the classes it's
     used in. Recursion should work as long as the last, innermost
     call calls the superclass method. (It's usually best to avoid it.)
     This is not robust to method injection, but then again, what is?


         class A(require_super):
             def __init__(self): pass

         class B(A):
             def __init__(self): pass

         b = B()  # TypeError: B.__init__: no super call
                  # B.__init__ needs a super(B, self).__init__()

         class C(require_super):
             @classmethod      # order of decorators doesn't matter
             def clsmeth(cls): pass

         class D(C):
             def clsmeth(cls): pass

         d = D()
         d.clsmeth()  # TypeError: D.clsmeth: no super call
                      # C.clsmeth needs a super(C, cls).clsmeth()

     func, rewrap = _unwrap_rewrap(func)
     name = func.func_name

     def super_wrapper(self_or_cls, *args, **kwargs):
         retval = func(self_or_cls, *args, **kwargs)
         # Flag that the super call happened
         self_or_cls.__supercalls__.discard((id(self_or_cls), name))
         return retval

     super_wrapper.func_name = func.func_name
     super_wrapper.func_doc = func.func_doc
     super_wrapper.__super_required__ = True  # Pass it down

     return rewrap(super_wrapper)

def super_not_required(func):
     '''Marks a method as no longer requiring subclass overrides to
     call it. This is only meaningful for methods in subclasses of

     func.__super_required__ = False
     return func

def _get_sub_wrapper(func, class_name, method_name):
     '''Returns a wrapper function that:
     1. Adds key to __supercalls__
     2. Calls the wrapped function
     3. Checks for key in __supercalls__ - if there, raises TypeError'''

     def sub_wrapper(self_or_cls, *args, **kwargs):
         key = (id(self_or_cls), method_name)

         retval = func(self_or_cls, *args, **kwargs)

         if key not in self_or_cls.__supercalls__:
             return retval


         raise TypeError("%s.%s: no super call" %
                 (class_name, method_name))

     sub_wrapper.func_name = func.func_name
     sub_wrapper.func_doc = func.func_doc
     sub_wrapper.__super_required__ = True  # Pass it down

     return sub_wrapper

class _require_super_meta(type):
     def __new__(typ, cls_name, bases, dct):
         # Search through all attributes
         for method_name, func in dct.items():
                 func, rewrap = _unwrap_rewrap(func)
             except TypeError:
                 continue  # unsupported type

             if hasattr(func, '__super_required__'):
                 continue  # decorated - don't wrap it again

             # See if a base class's method is __super_required__
             for base in bases:
                     if getattr(base, method_name).__super_required__:
                 except AttributeError:
                     pass  # not there or no __super_required__
                 continue  # outer loop

             # Wrap up the function
             newfunc = _get_sub_wrapper(func, cls_name, method_name)
             dct[method_name] = rewrap(newfunc)

         return type.__new__(typ, cls_name, bases, dct)

class require_super(object):
     '''Inheriting from require_super makes super_required and
     super_not_required decorators work.'''

     __metaclass__ = _require_super_meta

     # This will be visible to classes and instances
     __supercalls__ = _supercall_set()

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