[Python-ideas] Thread exceptions and interruption

Adam Olsen rhamph at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 05:30:19 CEST 2007

One of the core problems with threading is what to do with exceptions
and how to gracefully exit when one goes unhandled.  My approach is to
replace the independently spawned threads with "branches" off of your
main thread's call stack.

The standard example looks like this[1]:

def handle_client(conn, addr):
    with conn:

def accept_loop(server_conn):
    with branch() as clients:
        with server_conn:
            while True:
                clients.add(handle_client, *server_conn.accept())

The call stack will look something like this:

main - accept_loop - server_conn.accept
          |- handle_client
          \- handle_client

Here I use a with-statement[2] to create a branch point.  The branch
point collects any exceptions from its children and interrupts the
children when the first exception occurs.  Interruption is done
somewhat similarly to posix cancellation; participating functions
react to it.  However, I raise an Interrupted exception, which can
lead to much more graceful cleanup than posix cancellation. ;)

The __exit__ portion of branch's with-statement blocks until all child
threads have exited.  It then reraises the exception, if any, or wraps
it in MultipleError if several occurred.

The branch construct serves only simple needs.  It does not attempt to
limit the number of threads to the number of cores available, nor any
related tricks.  Those can be added as a separate tool (perhaps
wrapping branch.)

Thoughts?  Competing ideas?  Disagreement that it's a "core problem" at all? ;)

[1] I've previously (in private mostly) referred to the branch()
function as collate().  I've recently decided to rename it.

[2] Unfortunately, a with-statement lacks all the invariants that
would be desirable for the branch construct.  It also has no direct
way of handling generators-as-context-managers that themselves use

Adam Olsen, aka Rhamphoryncus

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