[Python-ideas] "While" suggestion

David Borowitz borowitz at stanford.edu
Fri Aug 1 19:08:42 CEST 2008

Another good reference is the "as-if" rule in C. It's similar to operational
semantics, but may have enough denotational semantics semantics to be what
you're looking for. Don't know of a canonical reference, but Google is

On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 20:00, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at udel.edu> wrote:

> David Borowitz wrote:
>> Precisely: you're talking about two different accepted definitions of
>> semantics:
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formal_semantics_of_programming_languages
>> I'm not going to say one type of formal semantics is better than another,
>> but it's nice when everyone is at least on the same page :)
> Thank you for the reference.  I see that denotational and operational are
> just the beginning of the semantics of semantics.
> In writing about and comparing algorithms, I need a term that is slightly
> in between but closer to operational than merely denotational.  I am
> thinking of using 'operationally equivalent' to describe two algorithms that
> are denotationally (functionally) identical and which compute the same
> essential intermediate objects (values) in the same order, while not being
> 'operationally identical' (which would make them the same thing).
> Wikipedia refers 'operational equivalence' to 'observational equivalence'.
>  Other hits from Google suggest that it have been used variably to mean
> things from operationally identical to merely denotationally (functionally
> identical), but therefore a complete substitute in the users operations.
> In the present case, we agree that [genexp] == list(genexp] in the Python
> meaning, denotational and operational, of '==', which is to compare the
> denotational meaning of two expressions (the resulting objects and their
> values).  I also claim a bit more: [genexp] could be but does not have to
> be, and in current CPython is not, operationally identical to list(genexp).
>  But I do expect that it is operationally equivalent in the sense above.
>  The essential objects and operations are the list contents and the list
> that starts empty and grows one reference at a time via append().
> Terry Jan Reedy
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