[Python-ideas] More power in list comprehensions with the 'as' keyword

Cesare Di Mauro cesare.dimauro at a-tono.com
Fri Aug 29 08:33:10 CEST 2008

On 28 agu 2008 at 22:37:20, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at udel.edu> wrote:

> To parallel the Haskell-ish example, this should be
> [stripped for l in text.split('/n') stripped as l.strip() if stripped != '']
> but the clause has 'as' in the middle instead of at the beginning,
> making it hard to parse.  Haskell used commas
> [stripped for l in text.split('/n'), stripped as l.strip(), if stripped
> != '']
> but I think this would conflict with Python's other comma usage.  Most
> feasible, I think, would be
> [stripped for l in text.split('/n') with stripped as l.strip() if
> stripped != '']
> This corresponds to the multi-statement for loop version
> _=[]
> for l in text.split('\n'):
>    stripped = l.strip()
>    if stripped != '':
>      _.append(stripped)
> with 'stripped = l.strip()' replaced by 'with stripped as l.strip()'.
> If other use cases were presented that could not be more easily written
> otherwise, as with the re.split() version, I might at least be neutral
> on this.
> Terry Jan Reedy

We already a "with Expression as Identifier" syntax that is well known
and used in Python: why use something different?

[stripped for l in text.split('\n') with l.strip() as stripped if stripped != '']

will be a much better syntax to parse and acquire for a typical
pythonista. ;)


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