[Python-ideas] returning anonymous functions

Mathias Panzenböck grosser.meister.morti at gmx.net
Mon Dec 15 20:12:49 CET 2008

Scott Dial schrieb:
> Is is really that common? In this case, you are misrepresenting the
> pattern. The appropriate version of this would require references to _f
> to make it's signature match that of f's, and therefore this entire
> argument is specious. In reality, the number of times you can get away
> with returning a truly anonymous function (that isn't a glorified
> lambda) is rare, I think.
> def deco(f):
>     def _f(*args,**kawrgs):
>         ...
>     functools.update_wrapper(_f, f)
>     return _f
> Or:
> def deco(f):
>     @functools.wraps(f)
>     def _f(*args,**kawrgs):
>         ...
>     return _f
> Even in the second case, it would be awkward to inline with the return
> statement because of the need to invoke a decorator.


Ok, maybe something even more different: curried functions.

def plus2(f)(x):
   return f(x+2)

def foo(x):

Or I don't know. Just a thought. And yes, you cannot user functools.wraps on
that either. And this is just plain ugly/utter crap:

def plus2(f)
def (x):
	return f(x+2)


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