[Python-ideas] Add kwargs to built-in function object

Tal Einat taleinat at gmail.com
Thu May 22 14:28:52 CEST 2008

Brandon Mintern wrote:
> The same thing could be accomplished with:
> class anonobject:
>    pass
> a = anonobject()
> a.one = 1
> a.two = 2
> But there is really no easier way that I can think of to do this on
> the fly except to have already built a Record class as I previously
> indicated.

There is an "easier" way, for some definitions of "easy":
a=type('anonobject', (object,), {})() # a is an instance of class anonobject
a.one = 1
a.two = 2

Or if you want to keep it really short:
a=type('anonobject', (object,), dict(one=1, two=2)) # a is a class
named anonobject

I'll grant that this looks ugly, the intent of the code is far from
obvious. But if you don't do this too often and place appropriate
comments this should be fine. If you do find yourself doing this
often, I would say writing an appropriate class is the best solution;
it is certainly what I would have done in your example with the

- Tal

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