[Python-ideas] Adding some standalone iterator/sequence functions as methods of the iterator objects

Jae Kwon jkwon.work at gmail.com
Wed Aug 12 22:11:47 CEST 2009

these methods should be available in a common superclass (not the  
iterator protocol), and
all or most python native iterators could subclass it.

On Aug 12, 2009, at 11:05 AM, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> No, no, no!
> This is intentional. The iterator protocol is intentionally minimal --
> there are many implementations of it, and those implementations don't
> share code. Adding a large number of methods to it would require every
> iterator implementation to provide all those methods.
> This has been discussed before. Maybe it's time to write a negative
> PEP? Or add a paragraph explaining this to the original iterator
> protocol PEP? Or to the itertools module docs?
> --Guido
> 2009/8/12 Manuel Alejandro Cerón Estrada <ceronman at gmail.com>:
>> Hello.
>> There are some functions in the standard library that take an
>> iterator/sequence as parameter and return an iterator. Most of them
>> are in the itertools module and some are built in functions. I think
>> they should be added as methods of the iterator objects as well. For
>> example:
>> itertools.takewhile(pred, seq) --> seq.takewhile(pred)
>> sorted(seq, key=keyfun, reverse=reverse) --> seq.sorted(keyfun,  
>> reverse)
>> Rationale:
>> =======
>> First, I know the rationale behind standalone functions like len as
>> opposed to methods, but I think some iterator functions are special
>> cases. I believe it is a common pattern to arrange these kind of
>> functions in a pipe-filter system to perform complex queries over
>> collections. The current system of standalone functions creates code
>> difficult to read with nested parenthesis:
>> ...fun4(param, fun3(param, fun2(param, fun1(param, seq))))...
>> It is very hard to see the pipe-filter flow in this code. The case is
>> even worse because in some functions the order of the sequence
>> argument and other parameters vary. For example: sorted takes the
>> sequence first and then the key and reverse parameters while
>> itertools.takewhile takes the predicate first and then the sequence.
>> A few months ago, Donald 'Paddy' McCarthy suggested a pipe function
>> [0] in the itertools module. But I believe using methods creates a
>> better work flow, for example:
>> seq.fun1(param).fun2(param).fun3(param).fun4(param)
>> [0] http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2009-May/ 
>> 004877.html
>> Examples:
>> ========
>> Example 1. I want two groups of employees with the two best salaries:
>> Using current functions:
>> groups = itertools.islice(itertools.groupby(sorted(employees,
>> key=lambda e: e.salary, reverse=True), lambda e: e.salary), None, 2)
>> Using methods:
>> groups = employees.sorted(lambda e: e.salary,
>> reverse=True).groupby(lambda e: e.salary).slice(None, 2)
>> Example 2. I want the pairs of programmers assigned by task:
>> Using current functions:
>> pairs_tasks =  
>> itertools.izip(itertools.cycle(itertools.combinations(programmers,
>> 2)), tasks)
>> Using methods:
>> pars_tasks = programmers.combinations(2).cycle().izip(tasks)
>> Probably is better to keep izip as a standalone function:
>> pars_tasks = itertools.izip(programmers.combinations(2).cycle(),  
>> tasks)
>> Precedent:
>> ========
>> There is another case where the pipe-filter pattern is seen in  
>> Python:
>> strings. There are a lot of functions in the string module that take
>> strings as argument and returns a string. Those functions could be
>> arranged in a pipe-filter system. Python has a history of adding
>> functions from the string module to the string objects. I think the
>> same could be done with iterator functions.
>> Example:
>> We can use:
>> parts = text.lower().strip().split()
>> As opposed to:
>> parts = string.split(string.strip(string.lower(text)))
>> That's all for now. If you think this is a good idea we could
>> elaborate on which methods should be added.
>> Hope to see your comments.
>> Manuel Cerón.
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> -- 
> --Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)
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