[Python-ideas] exception based conditional expression, similar to if-else conditional expression

Ron Adam rrr at ronadam.com
Sat Aug 22 21:53:33 CEST 2009

Ron Adam wrote:
> Steven D'Aprano wrote:

>> Words are just symbols, so anytime you have syntax including a 
>> keyword, you could replace the keyword with a symbol. That way leads 
>> to APL. As a general rule, keywords are more readable, punctuation is 
>> more concise.
> Yes, I agree, but python isn't that strict about everything.  To me a 
> well defined exception expression that

Editing fragment...  Disregard the incomplete sentence.

> All the previous suggestions view the term as needing three values, so 
> you need two separators along with unique symbols (or keywords) to come 
> up with something that fits the need in a clear and concise way.  I was 
> thinking what if we could use the exception object itself as an 
> operator, then the term becomes even simpler and more concise.  But the 
> only way I can think to do that in a clear way is to use syntax to 
> identify the exception, such as putting colons, or some other symbol 
> around the exception.  <shrug>

An additional note, the when you view an exception object in the console it 
is bracketed by the less than and and greater than signs.  Maybe there is a 
way to use those in a manner that is consistent with the string repr() returns.


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