[Python-ideas] Name mangling removal ?

Tarek Ziadé ziade.tarek at gmail.com
Sun Feb 1 15:20:56 CET 2009

On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 3:05 PM, Cesare Di Mauro
<cesare.dimauro at a-tono.com> wrote:
> And I can assure you that it wasn't
> rare having the need to access private members of some VCL component.

Hehe right. And the paradox is that most people I worked with were
complaining about that
and were still using private/protected parts in their own code.

Just for the anectode since you are familiar with Delphi, my path to
open source was :

Delphi -> getting frustrated on expensive, closed components  ->
getting a taste of freedom with the Indy Components -> moving to
Python and OSS

> So, if access control can be a matter of religion, men must have the
> freedom to decide whatever they want to do with classes. Like Python does.
> ;)
> Cheers
> Cesare

Tarek Ziadé | Association AfPy | www.afpy.org
Blog FR | http://programmation-python.org
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