[Python-ideas] Ruby-style Blocks in Python Idea
Carl Johnson
cmjohnson.mailinglist at gmail.com
Tue Mar 10 06:59:39 CET 2009
> Sounds like you might as well write a decorator named @using:
> @using(employees.select)
> def _(employee):
> if employee.salary > developer.salary:
> fireEmployee(employee)
> else:
> extendContract(employee)
I like that (which is why I proposed allowing lambda decorators last
month), but I'm uncomfortable with how after all is said and done, _
will either be set to something that's not a callable or to a callable
that no one is ever supposed to call. Perhaps if we allowed for this:
@using(employees.select) as results
def (employee): #It is mandatory that no name be used here and
#that parentheses are included
if employee.salary > developer.salary:
#results = [ list of employees ]
to be syntatic sugar for this:
def callback(employee):
if employee.salary > developer.salary:
results = using(employees.select)(callback)
#results = [ list of employees ]
Similarly, the horrible Java-style callback mentioned earlier in the thread
self.Bind(wx.BUTTON, lamda: evt
<some huge block of code here>
, mybutton)
might with a change in API become something like
@Bind(wx.BUTTON, mybutton) as connected_button_object
def (event):
#do event handling stuff…
Ruby blocks let them write,
>> (1..10).map { |x| 2 * x }
=> [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20]
which for us would be a simple [2 * x for x in range(1, 11)], but
their version has the advantage of being able to be expanded to a
series of expressions and statements instead of a single expression if
need be. With my proposal, someone could write:
>>> def map_dec(l):
... def f(callback):
... return [callback(item) for item in l]
... return f
>>> @map_dec(range(10)) as results
... def (item):
... return 2 * item
>>> results
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
Basically, the "as" would be used to indicate "no one cares about the
following function by itself, they just want to use it as a callback
to get some result".
-- Carl
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