[Python-ideas] Default arguments in Python - the return - running out of ideas but...

Steven D'Aprano steve at pearwood.info
Fri May 15 02:15:33 CEST 2009

On Thu, 14 May 2009 09:02:08 am Terry Reedy wrote:
> Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> > On Thu, 14 May 2009 05:18:37 am CTO wrote:
> >> If you thought not reevaluating function expressions
> >> was confusing for newbies, wait until you see what making up a new
> >> kind of yield will do for them.
> >>
> >> Why not just push for some decorators that do this to be included
> >> in stdlib? I see the utility, but not the point of adding extra
> >> syntax.
> >
> > Even if a decorator solution can be made to work, it seems to me
> > that the difficulty with a decorator solution is that it is
> > all-or-nothing -- you can decorate the entire parameter list, or
> > none of the parameters, but not some of the parameters. You can bet
> > that people will say they want delayed evaluation of some default
> > arguments and compile-time evaluation of others, in the same
> > function definition.
> Not all or nothing, and selection is easy.  A decorator could only
> call callable objects, and could/should be limited to calling
> function objects or even function objects named '<lambda>'.

Some people don't like writing:

def f(x=SENTINEL):
    if x is SENTINEL: x = []

and wish to have syntax so they can write something approaching:

def f(x=[]):

but have a fresh [] bound to x. You're supporting the syntax:

@call_lambdas  # Geremy Condra uses the name 'runtime'
def f(x=lambda:[]):

(For the record, I've suggested creating a unary-& operator so that we 
can write "def f(&x=[])" to get late-binding of x.)

If I were to use the proposed late-binding feature, I would want it to 
be easy to use and obvious. I don't mind having to learn special 
syntax -- I'm not asking for it to be intuitive or guessable. But 
having to define the default value as a function (with or without 
lambda!) *and* call a decorator doesn't seem either easy or obvious. It 
feels like a kludge designed to get around a limitation of the 
language. (If you don't like the negative connotations of 'kludge', 
read it as 'hack' instead.) In other words, it looks like your 
suggestion is "let's find another idiom for late-binding default 
arguments" rather than "let's give Python built-in support for optional 
late-binding of default arguments".

If the first one is your intention, then I'll just walk away from this 
discussion. I already have a perfectly obvious and explicit idiom for 
late-binding of default arguments. I don't need a second one, 
especially one which I find exceedingly inelegant and ugly. If you want 
to use that in your own code, go right ahead, but I hope it never makes 
it into any code I ever need to read. -1 from me on any solution which 
requires both a decorator and special treatment of defaults in the 
parameter list.

In my opinion, only a solution with built-in support from the compiler 
is worth supporting. Anything else is a heavyweight, complicated 
solution for a problem that already has a lightweight, simple solution: 
use a sentinel. We already have a concise, fast, straightforward idiom 
which is easily learned and easily written, and while it's not 
intuitively obvious to newbies, neither is the suggested 
decorator+lambda solution. We don't need a complicated, verbose, 
hard-to-explain, hard-to-implement solution as well.

Steven D'Aprano

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