[Python-ideas] 80 character line width vs. something wider

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Thu May 21 03:05:03 CEST 2009

Aaron Rubin wrote:

> I see part of the problem now.  People perceive the PEP-8 as the way 
> they should write all code, not just the standard library.

I think they're reasonable guidelines to follow for
code that you intend to publicise, for the same reasons
that they're good for the stdlib. But nobody is going
to beat you up with a stick if you don't follow them
to the letter.

> In the case of a "park", it is 
> obvious that the origin was questioned at some point, since "parks" 
> needn't have grass anymore.  (where grass=80 character limit width)

Yes, but the relevant question remains "Do we still
need it, and if so, why?", not "It's old, so it
must be out of date by now, surely?"


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