[Python-ideas] Decorator syntax restriction
Gerald Britton
gerald.britton at gmail.com
Fri Oct 2 18:01:05 CEST 2009
fwiw C's ternary operator is implemented in Python like this:
x = a if b else c
Gotta say I miss pre- and post-fix operators, though. I'd rather write:
x = a[b++]
x = a[b]
b += 1
since I only have to reference "b" once with a post-fix operator.
On Fri, Oct 2, 2009 at 8:18 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/10/2 Rob Cliffe <rob.cliffe at btinternet.com>:
>> So: please speak, if you agree with me, whether for the reasons I give or
>> for different ones, or if you disagree with me - please give reasons too.
> I believe that the key reason for there being restrictions is to avoid
> Python code looking like "line noise". That's not precise - the
> specific rules as given express a sensible (in my view) balance
> between this goal and simplicity of
> implementation/explanation/usability.
> For example, without restrictions the following would be valid (yes,
> it's silly, yes it's deliberately a worst case)
> @(a['b'].fns[1])(1,2,{3,4})
> def something():
> I contend that's clearly "line noise". Python has a long tradition of
> not just frowning on code like this, but actively forbidding such code
> and not implementing constructs that contribute to such. Witness the
> fact that C's ternary operator (?:) and the pre and post increment
> operators (++ and --) are not valid Python. So forbidding such code is
> clearly consistent with Python's traditions.
> @classmethod
> def f(...):
> is equally obviously *not* line noise, and it's entirely reasonable to
> allow it. So pick a point on the spectrum between the first and second
> example. That's what the current rules do - you may not agree with the
> precise point picked, but my contention is that not picking a point at
> all is contrary to Python's established design.
> I'm not sure there is a corresponding design principle within Python
> that all constructs should be fully general (which is basically the
> principle you're appealing to). I can't immediately find
> counterexamples, though, so there may be a point there. But certainly,
> I'd say that such a principle (if it exists) isn't as well-established
> as the "no line noise" one (witness comments like "if you want Perl,
> you know where to get it"...)
>> 1(a)) It was inconsistent to impose a restriction on expressions in one particular context [meaning: and not in others].
>> 1(b)) The restriction was hard to explain [but see below].
>> 2) The restriction can easily be circumvented.
>> 3) Plausible use cases exist [I gave some].
> The above covers my feelings on 1(a) and 1(b).
> With regard to (2), circumventing the restriction isn't really the
> point - the whole decorator construct is a shorthand.
> @deco
> def fn():
> ...
> vs
> def fn():
> ...
> fn = deco(fn)
> Giving a complex expression a name increases readability, and the
> assignment can be kept near the decorator if it's a one-off, as
> follows
> meaningful_name = (a['b'].fns[1])(1,2,{3,4})
> @meaningful_name
> def f():
> ...
> I'd go so far as to say that was improving readability, rather than
> "circumvention".
> As for (3), I agree that plausible use cases exist. They *may* warrant
> allowing certain extra constructs in ("moving the point" as I said
> above) but I'm not sure about that, and to my mind they certainly
> don't warrant completely removing the restriction.
> As a final point, I should say that personally, I have never written
> any code which is impacted by the current restrictions on decorator
> syntax. So, I don't personally have any need for the relaxation you're
> proposing. I'm not sure if that's a point in your favour (as my view
> is of limited value since I don't need the feature you're proposing)
> or against (as I'm an example of why the proposal isn't as generally
> useful as you claim) but I mention it anyway, in the interests of
> complete disclosure :-)
> I hope this helps.
> Paul.
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Gerald Britton
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