[Python-ideas] stdlib with its own release cycle ?

geremy condra debatem1 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 26 23:51:02 CET 2009

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 2:07 PM, Michael Foord <fuzzyman at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/10/26 geremy condra <debatem1 at gmail.com>
>> [snip...]
>> > Firstly, although you are correct that .NET supports a managed variant
>> > of
>> > C++ (that runs 'on .NET') and it is the same set of tools that you also
>> > use
>> > to compile native code (unmanaged C/C++) this has nothing to do with
>> > .NET.
>> > Python for Windows is compiled with the Visual C++ compiler but it
>> > doesn't
>> > run on .NET. .NET doesn't even use the MSVCRT that compiled native code
>> > links against - something that causes Ironclad 'difficulties' when
>> > managed
>> > and native code need to share file handles.
>> >
>> > Ironclad itself has binary compatibility with Python C extensions, they
>> > don't need to be recompiled. It uses the .NET FFI (P/Invoke) to work
>> > with
>> > these extensions and on the JVM would use its FFI.
>> >
>> > My understanding is that Android now allows native code, so if Dalvik
>> > has
>> > the same FFI APIs and you can compile the Python extensions for it *and*
>> > Jython runs on Dalvik (not currently the case I believe?) then it could
>> > work...
>> >
>> No need. Java has the Java Native Interface, which is supported in the
>> Android Native Development Kit.
> No need for what? If you are using Jython *and* you want to use Python C
> extensions then something like Ironclad would be needed.
> If you aren't using Jython then no need - but there are lots of good reasons
> for *wanting* to use Jython.
> Michael

Sorry, I wasn't clear- there's no need to get Jython running on Android,
since you can wrap the class libraries using JNI.

Geremy Condra

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