[Python-ideas] @return?

Chris Rebert pyideas at rebertia.com
Wed Apr 14 00:18:11 CEST 2010

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 2:36 PM, Conrad Irwin
<conrad.irwin at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have an idea, though the acceptability of it is a matter for debate.
> It seems that this would be the appropriate place to post, but if not,
> or if you've already tired of this proposal, sorry.
> A common pattern when creating decorators is something of the form:
>    def decorator(func):
>        def wrapper(*args):
>            func(modulate(args))
>        return wrapper
> This is surprisingly reminiscent of the kind of code decorators were
> introduced to avoid:
>    class Example(object):
>        def method(cls, *args):
>            modulate(args)
>        method = classmethod(method)
> The proposal is thus to introduce "@return" that returns the decorated
> object, a hybrid of the behavior of the return statement and decorators.
> I think the intended semantics are clear, providing you know the basics
> of how decorators work:
>    def decorator(func):
>        @return
>        def wrapper(*args):
>            func(modulate(args))
> Much as the class declaration was beautified to:
>    def Example(object):
>        @classmethod
>        def method(cls, *args):
>            modulate(args)
> An alternative I considered, and rejected through ugliness, was allowing
> a funcdef in a return statement:
>    def decorator(func):
>        return def wrapper(*args):
>            func(modulate(args))
> The syntax of "@return" has the advantage of matching the decorator
> syntax, particularly beneficial given its most obvious use-case.
> There are uglinesses though, a simplistic reading of "@return" would
> imply the existence of a function called "return", and while the return
> statement can be used with brackets, it certainly should not be turned
> into a function. Also:
>    from functools import wraps
>    def decorator1(func):
>        @return
>        @wraps(func)
>        def wrapper(*args):
>            func(modulate(args))
>    def decorator2(func):
>        @wraps(func)  # Yuck! (not called, I think)
>        @return
>        def wrapper(*args):
>            func(modulate(args))
> Obviously, as this is currently a syntax error, there are few
> backward-compatibility concerns, and many forward-compatibility issues.
> If it were to be added, then a case might be made for allowing "@yield"
> "@throw" (class decorator) and (along with yield, eventually, maybe)
> "@continue".
> Does anyone have thoughts they'd like to share, or shall I return to the
> depths of obscurity from whence I came?

-0.75; Zen problems I see:

* Explicit is better than implicit.
    I for one prefer the explicit `return wrapper` and
    find it clearer than the proposed magical decorator.

* Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.
    You're allowing keyword(s) where it/they would otherwise be illegal,
    which (1) looks strange and (2) begs the question of why keywords couldn't
    be used elsewhere (e.g. def if(...): ...), [and of course, as for allowing
    keywords everywhere, down that path lies madness!; not that that's
    part of your proposal, I'm just pointing out the slippery slope.]


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