[Python-ideas] stdlib upgrades

Gerard Flanagan grflanagan at gmail.com
Thu Jun 3 08:40:22 CEST 2010

Tarek Ziadé wrote:
> Hello,
> That's not a new idea, but I'd like to throw it here again.
> Some modules/packages in the stdlib are pretty isolated, which means
> that they could be upgraded with no
> harm, independently from the rest. For example the unittest package,
> or the email package.
> Here's an idea:
> 1 - add a version number in each package or module of the stdlib that
> is potentially upgradable
> 2 - create standalone releases of these modules/packages at PyPI, in a
> restricted area 'stdlib upgrades'
>      that can be used only by core devs to upload new versions. Each
> release lists the precise
>      Python versions it's compatible with.

Not a packaging expert, but I think in the context of a virtualenv this 
all makes sense. The ability to have a pip requirements file (for 
example) with


would be a useful flexibility in my view. Any given application or 
library will only exercise a certain subset of stdlib after all. Also it 
might give you more confidence to upgrade to a higher python if you had 
this flexibility.

Whether you wanted to incorporate this in the absence of a virtualenv is 
another question, I suppose.

> 4 - an upgraded package lands in a new specific site-packages
> directory and is loaded *before* the one in Lib

For a quick test, I added a "prioritize_site_packages" function to a 
virtualenv's site.py, which just rearranged sys.path so that anything 
containing the string 'site-packages' was prior to anything else. Would 
this be sufficient in the general case?

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