[Python-ideas] PEP-3150

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Thu Apr 14 10:06:36 CEST 2011

Carl M. Johnson wrote:

> def decorator(f):
>     return decorated given:
>         "Docstring A..."
>         def decorated(*args, **kwargs):
>             "Docstring B..."
>             do something...
> it would be docstring A that gets put on the decorated function, not
> docstring B?

That seems like a contrived example. If you wanted the
function to have Docstring B, why did you give the given
block a docstring of its own in the first place?

> Also, this case (and the general issue of callbacks, thunks, etc.)
> seems to be crying out for a special convenience syntax to save a
> level indenting.

In this particular case (i.e. a function that does nothing
but define and return another function) I'd like to be able
to write

   def decorator(f)(*args, **kwargs):
     do something...

but that's a subject for another hotly-debated PEP!


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