[Python-ideas] documentation: mention the version in which a syntax construct was added

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Tue Apr 19 04:39:34 CEST 2011

On 4/18/2011 1:40 PM, Masklinn wrote:

> By the way, when we notice that the tag is missing in some places,
> what's the flow to fix it?

The tracker. Mark issue for 2.7, type documentation.
If you know of multiple omissions, put them altogether.

> Today, I suggested using pkgutil.get_data to a colleague, and after a
> few checks I found out it was apparently added in 2.6 (it isn't
> available in my 2.5.5), but I didn't find that information marked up
> in the doc.

Do mention (or quote from interpreter*) how you determine the info you 
request to be added. No many developers will want to go back and verify 
now just for 2.7 docs.

* something like
 >>> import pkgutil; pkgutil.get_data
Attribute error

 >>> import pkgutil; pkgutil.get_data
<Method type ob at ...>

Terry Jan Reedy

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