[Python-ideas] ('blue', 'red', 'orange' if something, 'green')

Sturla Molden sturla at molden.no
Fri Apr 22 19:41:11 CEST 2011

Den 22.04.2011 11:59, skrev cool-RR:
> Here's an idea that would have helped me today while coding. Allow 
> something like this:
>     ('blue', 'red', 'orange' if some_condition, 'green')
> So 'orange' is included in the tuple only if `some_condition` 
> evaluates to `True`.

This means it should be legal to write

     a = 'orange' if cond

which presumably should mean

      if cond: a = 'orange'

It retains some symmetry with

     a = 'orange' if cond else 'yellow'


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