[Python-ideas] Enums
Spectral One
ghostwriter402 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 20 10:53:08 CEST 2011
> Subject:
> Re: [Python-ideas] Enums
> From:
> Greg Ewing <greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz>
> Date:
> 8/19/2011 7:31 PM
> To:
> python-ideas at python.org
> Spectral One wrote:
>> def Box:
>> def SetMake( new_make:enum(pcmake)=ibm ):
> >
>> b.SetMake(apple) #Works fine
> How do you propose to implement this?
> Currently, function arguments are evaluated without any
> knowledge of the function to which they are going to be
> passed. To what extent would you change that, and how?
> --
> Greg
Hmm, is setting a flag to switch twixt normal and another namespace
really all that tricky?
It would probably help to know how Python handles namespaces already,
but I don't. In fact, I don't know Python well enough to do much more
than speculate on how it's implemented. I was just figuring that the
syntax and API are the harder parts to do well, anyhow, so I suggested
in that mode.
That NO evaluation is done before entry is a bit of a surprise.
Obviously, the number of arguments is stored and checked, since
TypeError is raised on argument number mismatches.
There are obviously various ways to accomplish this, but the idea was, I
confess, unconstrained by implementation details I don't know. Some
possibilities that pop to mind:
Such things could be held in a list, much like object properties or
classes, which is available to be interrogated by the parser. When
checking the argument list, it could also check lists for associated enums.
If functions are complete objects, you could embed the information in
the object for each specified argument in some standard way.
'function.__enums__()' maybe
It seems that the function, on call, would need to know to check these
things or not, but that's something that could be handled behind the
scenes with a block to test that's simply conditionally skipped or added
as needed. That would still require that the values be processed
differently while being interpreted, unless some global rule was
instituted to get around it. (Late-parsing arguments might work, or
making sure that the names of variables are passed as strings to the
function, so the function can ignore incorrectly-parsed identifiers. Of
course THAT would require a tone more processing, or would preclude
multiple values, so I really don't like it.)
Actually, if our hearts aren't set on passing the enum names as
identifiers, we could pass them as strings that are parsed on the other
side. (rules for combining them would be part of the standard enum
object definition.) This wouldn't look as neat to me, but it would move
the namespace issue completely inside the recipient function. A function
could fake it or actually use the the enum functions based on string
def Box:
def SetMake( new_make=enum(pcmake)["ibm"] )
Beyond that, it's mostly just a matter of determining proper behavior
for an enum object type and the events it should raise, etc. (An
extended dictionary class which stashes {key:(key,value)} could work as
a basis.)
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