[Python-ideas] [Python-Dev] hello, new dict addition for new eve ?

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Fri Dec 30 17:40:06 CET 2011

Hi Julien,

Don't despair! I have tried to get people to warm up to dict addition too
-- in fact it was my counter-proposal at the time when we were considering
adding sets to the language. I will look at your proposal, but I have a
point of order first: this should be discussed on python-ideas, not on
python-dev. I have added python-ideas to the thread and moved python-dev to
Bcc, so followups will hopefully all go to python-ideas.


On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 7:26 AM, julien tayon <julien at tayon.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> Sorry to annoy the very busy core devs :) out of the blue
> I quite noticed people were
> 1) wanting to have a new dict for Xmas
> 2) strongly resenting dict addition.
> Even though I am not a good developper, I have come to a definition of
> addition that would follow algebraic rules, and not something of a
> dutch logic. (it is a jest, not a troll)
> I propose the following code to validate my point of view regarding
> the dictionnatry addition as a proof of concept :
> https://github.com/jul/ADictAdd_iction/blob/master/test.py
> It follows all my dusty math books regarding addition + it has the
> amability to have rules of conservation.
> I pretty much see a real advantage in this behaviour in functional
> programming (map/reduce). (see the demonstrate.py), and it has a sense
> (if dict can be seen has vectors).
> I have been told to be a troll, but I am pretty serious.
> Since, I coded with luck, no internet, intuition, and a complete
> ignorance of the real meaning of the magic methods most of the time,
> thus the actual implementation of the addition surely needs a complete
> refactoring.
> Sheers,
> Bonne fĂȘtes
> Julien
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--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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