[Python-ideas] str.split with multiple individual split characters

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Mon Feb 28 07:19:13 CET 2011

Carl M. Johnson writes:

 > Anyway, you'll get no argument from me: Regexes are easy once you know
 > regexes. For whatever reason though, I've never been able to
 > successfully, permanently learn regexes.

How about learning them long enough to write

>>> def multisplit (source, char1, char2):
...  return re.split("".join(["[",char1,char2,"]"]),source)
>>> multisplit ("a-b_c","_","-")
['a', 'b', 'c']

or a generalization as needed?

I'm not unsympathetic to the need, but there are just too many Zen or
near-Zen principles violated by this proposal.  I'm getting old and
cranky enough myself that I have to explicitly remind myself to do
this kind of thing, but arguing against the Zen doesn't work very
well, even here on python-ideas.  Life is easier for me when I
remember to help myself!

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