[Python-ideas] Why make ‘shutil.destinsrc’ private? (was: os.path.isparent and os.path.ischild)

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Thu Jul 14 23:34:52 CEST 2011

Arnaud Delobelle <arnodel at gmail.com>

> On 14 July 2011 14:10, Ben Finney <ben+python at benfinney.id.au> wrote:
> > Oleg Broytman <phd at phdru.name> writes:
> >
> >>    In py3k it was renamed to _destinsrc. It never was documented.
> >
> > Both of which strongly indicate the intent that it shouldn't be used
> > as part of the library API.

> > Who made that change? Presumably their opinion on this matter is
> > opposite to the proponents of the functionality in this thread. Can
> > someone ask them to comment in this thread as to their rationale?
> It's easy to find out who made the change:

I'm glad you found it easy, and thank you for doing so.

> http://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/0ab36796dd79

Made by Benjamin Peterson on 2009-02-07, with the commit message “make
destinsrc private”.

Benjamin, what was the rationale for making ‘shutil.destinsrc’ no longer
part of the public API?

I'm asking in the context of a thread that suggests adding that exact
functionality to the standard library, before we were aware of this code
being there.

 \      “I am too firm in my consciousness of the marvelous to be ever |
  `\       fascinated by the mere supernatural …” —Joseph Conrad, _The |
_o__)                                                     Shadow-Line_ |
Ben Finney

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