[Python-ideas] 'Injecting' objects as function-local constants

Jan Kaliszewski zuo at chopin.edu.pl
Sat Jun 11 15:30:29 CEST 2011

== Use cases ==

A quite common practice is 'injecting' objects into a function as its
locals, at def-time, using function arguments with default values...

Sometimes to keep state using a mutable container:

    def do_and_remember(val, verbose=False, mem=collections.Counter()):
        result = do_something(val)
        mem[val] += 1
        if verbose:
            print('Done {} times for {!r}'.format(mem[val], val))

Sometimes, when creating functions dynamically (making use of nested
scopes), e.g. to keep some individual function features (usable within
that functions):

    def make_my_callbacks(callback_params):
        my_callbacks = []
        for params in callback_params:
            def fun1(*args, _params=params, **kwargs):
                "...do something with args and params..."
            def fun2(*args, _params=params, **kwargs):
                "...do something with args and params..."
            def fun3(*args, _fun1=fun1, _fun2=fun2, **kwargs):
                """...do something with args and with functions fun1, fun2,
                for example pass them as callbacks to other functions..."
            my_callbacks.append((fun1, fun2, fun3))
        return my_callbacks

Sometimes simply to make critical parts of code optimised...

    def do_it_quickly(fields, _len=len, _split=str.split,
        return [_len(f), _split(f), _sth(f) for f in fields]

...or even for readability -- keeping function-specific constants within
the function definition:

    def check_value(val,
        return len(val) <= VAL_MAX_LEN and VAL_RE.search(val) is not None

In all that cases (and probably some other too) that technique appears
to be quite useful.

== The problem ==

...is that it is not very elegant. We add arguments which:
a) mess up function signatures (both in the code and in auto-generated docs);
b) can be incidentally overriden (especially when a function has an "open"
   signature with **kwargs).

== Proposed solutions ==

I see three possibilities:

To add a new keyword, e.g. `inject':
    def do_and_remember(val, verbose=False):
        inject mem = collections.Counter()
or maybe:
    def do_and_remember(val, verbose=False):
        inject collections.Counter() as mem

2. (which personally I would prefer)
To add `dummy' (or `hidden') keyword arguments, defined after **kwargs
(and after bare ** if kwargs are not needed; we have already have
keyword-only arguments after *args or bare *):

    def do_and_remember(val, verbose=False, **, mem=collections.Counter()):

do_and_remember(val, False, mem='something') would raise TypeError and
`mem' shoudn not appear in help() etc. as a function argument.

To provide a special decorator, e.g. functools.within:
    def do_and_remember(val, verbose=False):


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