[Python-ideas] dir with a glob?

Sturla Molden sturla at molden.no
Thu Jun 30 13:38:07 CEST 2011

Often when exploring an object with the 'dir' function, particularly in 
large packages like SciPy, I find that I need to filter the outout. 
Since a dir reminds me of a dos 'dir' or linux 'ls', a glob feels like 
the most natural to use.

For example, none of these would work:

 >>> dir(sp.fft.i*)  # syntax error
 >>> dir('sp.fft.i*') # returns the attributes a string

I believe a new dir functions is needed, or a change in the behviour of 
the current version.

Of course a 'glob aware dir function' can be implemented by monitoring 
the call stack (cf. sys._getframe().f_back), but I think the problem is 
general enough to warrant an official sultion.


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