[Python-ideas] Make-statement [Re: Different interface for namedtuple?]

Carl M. Johnson cmjohnson.mailinglist at gmail.com
Sun Mar 6 07:27:33 CET 2011

If you go back and re-read PEP 359, a lot of the motivating examples
-- creating namespaces, setting GUI properties, templating HTML -- are
still compelling. If you add in the examples of ORM tables and
interactive fiction processors, I think what unites all the examples
is that the make statement is a way of creating a DSL from within
Python. Can using a DSL within Python be pythonic ,though? That's a
difficult question to answer. But, on the other hand, just because
there's no clean, non-magical way of making a DSL within Python
doesn't mean people won't try and indeed, we can see the results of
their trying out there today.

For example, see Biwako <http://martyalchin.com/2011/jan/20/biwako/> a
recent project which abuses metaclasses to create a declarative syntax
for processing file formats. Here's an excerpt from that page:

> For example, here’s a very simple Biwako class that will can parse part of the
> GIF file format, allowing you to easily get to the width and height of any GIF image.
> from biwako import bin
> class GIF(bin.Structure, endianness=bin.LittleEndian, encoding='ascii'):
>    tag = bin.FixedString('GIF')
>    version = bin.String(size=3)
>    width = bin.Integer(size=2)
>    height = bin.Integer(size=2)
> Now you have a class that can accept any GIF image as a file (or any file-like
> object that’s readable) and parse it into the attributes shown on this class.
> >>> image = GIF(open('example.gif', 'rb'))
> >>> image.width, image.height
> (400, 300)

So basically, the author of this project is calling GIF a "class" but
it's not something that really operates the way a normal class does,
because it's subclassing the magical bin.Structure class and
inheriting its metaclass.

With a little searching, you can find similar examples of abuse that
are centered around the with statement rather than metaclasses. People
have made the with statement into an XML generator
or an anonymous block handler

Seeing examples like these make me think a re-examination of PEP 359
would be a good idea. Of course, I do think it needs a little more
work (in particular, I think the make statement should have an
equivalent of a __prepare__ method and should receive the BLOCK as a
callback instead of automatically executing it), but the core idea is
worth taking another look at.

-- Carl

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