[Python-ideas] [Python-Dev] Dict access with double-dot (syntactic sugar)
Westley Martínez
anikom15 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 25 02:20:19 CET 2011
On Thu, 2011-03-24 at 14:03 -0700, Santoso Wijaya wrote:
> I just want to chip in that, as far as syntactic sugar go,
> `somedict:foo` looks better than `somedict..foo`.
> 2c...
> ~/santa
> On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 4:40 AM, Jameson Quinn
> <jameson.quinn at gmail.com> wrote:
> "class attrdict" is a perennial dead-end for intermediate
> pythonistas who want to save 3 characters/5 keystrokes for
> item access. Other languages such as javascript allow
> "somedict.foo" to mean the same as "somedict['foo']", so why
> not python? Well, there are a number of reasons why not,
> beginning with all the magic method names in python.
> But saving keystrokes is still a reasonable goal.
> So what about a compromise? Allow "somedict..foo", with two
> dots, to take that place. It still saves 2 characters (often 4
> keystrokes; and I find even ', "[", or "]" harder to type than
> ".").
> The "foo" part would of course have to obey
> attribute/identifier naming rules. So there would be no
> shortcut for "somedict['$#!%']". But for any identifier-legal
> foo, the interpreter would just read ..foo as ['foo'].
> I would not be surprised if I'm not the first person to
> suggest this. If so, and there's already well-known reasons
> why this is a bad idea, I apologize. But if the only reason
> not to is "we never did it that way before" or "it would be
> too addictive, and so people would never want to use older
> python versions" or "headache for tools like pylint", I think
> we should do it.
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That may be worse. A colon suggests relation, can be confused for
dictionary attribution assignment, and can be confused with block
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