[Python-ideas] triple-quoted strings and indendation

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Sat May 14 13:15:50 CEST 2011

Ron Adam wrote:
> On 05/11/2011 05:22 PM, Greg Ewing wrote:
>> string adverisement:
>>     | Python Egg Incubator!
>>     |
>>     | Hatch your eggs in half the time. Get yours
>>     | today for only $39.99!
> I think that would only require a small patch to tokanize.c.  It would 
> result in a blank line being added to the end of the paragraph,

No, the idea is that a newline wouldn't be added to the last line.
If you wanted that, you would have to add an empty line at the end:

string foo:
     | This line ends with a newline.

> The hard parts are finding the best symbol, '|' is already used,

In a different context, though. There shouldn't be any ambiguity.
I'd much rather use '|' than anything else, because it makes such
a nice vertical boundary line.


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