[Python-ideas] proto-pep capturing the concurrency discusion

Mike Meyer mwm at mired.org
Wed Nov 23 00:09:34 CET 2011

I tried to capture all the ideas generated during the concurrency
discussion early this month in the form of an informational PEP. I
believe that information is worth preserving where others can find it,
and a PEP seems like a logical place. Since it doesn't make a specific
proposal, it's informational PEP. Possibly this is an abuse of the PEP
mechanism, in which case I'll find another forum for it.

The point this time is not to debate the ideas proposed, but to check
for errors and omissions. If there's an alternative I missed, let me
know. If there's a problem with some alternative I missed, let me
know. If I think it's already in the document, I'll probably point it
out and ask for suggestions on how to make it more obvious.

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