[Python-ideas] [Python-Dev] Persistent Python - a la Smalltalk

Sturla Molden sturla at molden.no
Sat Sep 17 20:36:35 CEST 2011

Den 17.09.2011 17:22, skrev Nick Coghlan:
> Given the challenges of just getting pickle to work properly for 
> explicit state transfer, I shudder at the prospect of trying to 
> implicitly freeze the entire interpreter state... (and that's even 
> before we get into the problem of programmers responding with "What do 
> you mean restarting my script doesn't reinitialise all the state?") 
> Cheers, Nick. 

I am not sure what he means. But if he e.g. wants to save
an interactive session with the command prompt, a la
Matlab, then ipython will do what he wants.

Suspending and restarting a process on Unix is of course
as easy as

$ kill -s STOP [pid]
$ kill -s CONT [pid]

I don't know of any Windows equivalent. But virtual
computers (e.g. VirtualBox, VMware) can be paused and


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