[Python-ideas] An async facade? (was Re: [Python-Dev] Socket timeout and completion based sockets)

Rene Nejsum rene at stranden.com
Sat Dec 1 00:57:08 CET 2012

On Nov 30, 2012, at 8:04 PM, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:

> Futures or callbacks, that's the question…

I would strongly recommend Futures, most importantly because it seams to handle Threads more elegantly, since it is easier to move between Threads.

> Richard and I have even been considering APIs like this:
> res = obj.some_call(<args>)
> if isinstance(res, Future):
>    res = yield res
> or
> res = obj.some_call(<args>)
> if res is None:
>    res = yield <magic>
> where <magic> is some call on the scheduler/eventloop/proactor that
> pulls the future out of a hat.
> The idea of the first version is simply to avoid the Future when the
> result happens to be immediately ready (e.g. when calling readline()
> on some buffering stream, most of the time the next line is already in
> the buffer); the point of the second version is that "res is None" is
> way faster than "isinstance(res, Future)" -- however the magic is a
> little awkward.
> The debate is still open.
Great :-)

I understand that there are several layers involved (1) old style function call, 2) yield/coroutines and 3) threads) but I believe a model that handles all levels alike would be preferable. As a 3'rd API, consider:

res = obj.some_call(<args>)
print res

the some_call() is *always" async and res i *always* a Future, 

1) if executed in same thread it can be optimised out and be a normal function call
2) if coroutine it's a perfect time for t.switch()
3) if threads other_call() continues and res blocks if not ready

Or maybe the notion of all objects running in separate coroutines/threads, all methods being async and all return values being Futures is something for Python 4? :-) (or PyLang an Erlang lookalike)

> --Guido
> On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 9:57 AM, Steve Dower <Steve.Dower at microsoft.com> wrote:
>> Trent Nelson wrote:
>>>   TL;DR version:
>>>       Provide an async interface that is implicitly asynchronous;
>>>       all calls return immediately, callbacks are used to handle
>>>       success/error/timeout.
>> This is the central idea of what I've been advocating - the use of Future. Rather than adding an extra parameter to the initial call, asynchronous methods return an object that can have callbacks added.
>>>   The biggest benefit is that no assumption is made as to how the
>>>   asynchronicity is achieved.  Note that I didn't mention IOCP or
>>>   kqueue or epoll once.  Those are all implementation details that
>>>   the writer of an asynchronous Python app doesn't need to care about.
>> I think this is why I've been largely ignored (except by Guido) - I don't even mention sockets, let alone the implementation details :). There are all sorts of operations that can be run asynchronously that do not involve sockets, though it seems that the driving force behind most of the effort is just to make really fast web servers.
>> My code contribution is at http://bitbucket.org/stevedower/wattle, though I have not updated it in a while and there are certainly aspects that I would change. You may find it interesting if you haven't seen it yet.
>> Cheers,
>> Steve
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Python-ideas [mailto:python-ideas-bounces+steve.dower=microsoft.com at python.org] On Behalf Of Trent Nelson
>> Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 0814
>> To: Guido van Rossum
>> Cc: Glyph; python-ideas at python.org
>> Subject: [Python-ideas] An async facade? (was Re: [Python-Dev] Socket timeout and completion based sockets)
>>    [ It's tough coming up with unique subjects for these async
>>      discussions.  I've dropped python-dev and cc'd python-ideas
>>      instead as the stuff below follows on from the recent msgs. ]
>>    TL;DR version:
>>        Provide an async interface that is implicitly asynchronous;
>>        all calls return immediately, callbacks are used to handle
>>        success/error/timeout.
>>            class async:
>>                def accept():
>>                def read():
>>                def write():
>>                def getaddrinfo():
>>                def submit_work():
>>        How the asynchronicity (not a word, I know) is achieved is
>>        an implementation detail, and will differ for each platform.
>>        (Windows will be able to leverage all its async APIs to full
>>         extent, Linux et al can keep mimicking asynchronicity via
>>         the usual non-blocking + multiplexing (poll/kqueue etc),
>>         thread pools, etc.)
>> On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 11:15:07AM -0800, Glyph wrote:
>>>   On Nov 28, 2012, at 12:04 PM, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
>>>   I would also like to bring up <https://github.com/lvh/async-pep> again.
>>    So, I spent yesterday working on the IOCP/async stuff.  The saw this
>>    PEP and the sample async/abstract.py.  That got me thinking: why don't
>>    we have a low-level async facade/API?  Something where all calls are
>>    implicitly asynchronous.
>>    On systems with extensive support for asynchronous 'stuff', primarily
>>    Windows and AIX/Solaris to a lesser extent, we'd be able to leverage
>>    the platform-provided async facilities to full effect.
>>    On other platforms, we'd fake it, just like we do now, with select,
>>    poll/epoll, kqueue and non-blocking sockets.
>>    Consider the following:
>>        class Callback:
>>            __slots__ = [
>>                'success',
>>                'failure',
>>                'timeout',
>>                'cancel',
>>            ]
>>        class AsyncEngine:
>>            def getaddrinfo(host, port, ..., cb):
>>                ...
>>            def getaddrinfo_then_connect(.., callbacks=(cb1, cb2))
>>                ...
>>            def accept(sock, cb):
>>                ...
>>            def accept_then_write(sock, buf, (cb1, cb2)):
>>                ...
>>            def accept_then_expect_line(sock, line, (cb1, cb2)):
>>                ...
>>            def accept_then_expect_multiline_regex(sock, regex, cb):
>>                ...
>>            def read_until(fd_or_sock, bytes, cb):
>>                ...
>>            def read_all(fd_or_sock, cb):
>>                return self.read_until(fd_or_sock, EOF, cb)
>>            def read_until_lineglob(fd_or_sock, cb):
>>                ...
>>            def read_until_regex(fd_or_sock, cb):
>>                ...
>>            def read_chunk(fd_or_sock, chunk_size, cb):
>>                ...
>>            def write(fd_or_sock, buf, cb):
>>                ...
>>            def write_then_expect_line(fd_or_sock, buf, (cb1, cb2)):
>>                ...
>>            def connect_then_expect_line(..):
>>                ...
>>            def connect_then_write_line(..):
>>                ...
>>            def submit_work(callable, cb):
>>                ...
>>            def run_once(..):
>>                """Run the event loop once."""
>>            def run(..):
>>                """Keep running the event loop until exit."""
>>    All methods always take at least one callback.  Chained methods can
>>    take multiple callbacks (i.e. accept_then_expect_line()).  You fill
>>    in the success, failure (both callables) and timeout (an int) slots.
>>    The engine will populate cb.cancel with a callable that you can call
>>    at any time to (try and) cancel the IO operation.  (How quickly that
>>    works depends on the underlying implementation.)
>>    I like this approach for two reasons: a) it allows platforms with
>>    great async support to work at their full potential, and b) it
>>    doesn't leak implementation details like non-blocking sockets, fds,
>>    multiplexing (poll/kqueue/select, IOCP, etc).  Those are all details
>>    that are taken care of by the underlying implementation.
>>    getaddrinfo is a good example here.  Guido, in tulip, you have this
>>    implemented as:
>>        def getaddrinfo(host, port, af=0, socktype=0, proto=0):
>>            infos = yield from scheduling.call_in_thread(
>>                socket.getaddrinfo,
>>                host, port, af,
>>                socktype, proto
>>            )
>>    That's very implementation specific.  It assumes the only way to
>>    perform an async getaddrinfo is by calling it from a separate
>>    thread.  On Windows, there's native support for async getaddrinfo(),
>>    which we wouldn't be able to leverage here.
>>    The biggest benefit is that no assumption is made as to how the
>>    asynchronicity is achieved.  Note that I didn't mention IOCP or
>>    kqueue or epoll once.  Those are all implementation details that
>>    the writer of an asynchronous Python app doesn't need to care about.
>>    Thoughts?
>>        Trent.
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> -- 
> --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)
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