[Python-ideas] Conventions for function annotations
Thomas Kluyver
thomas at kluyver.me.uk
Sat Dec 1 17:30:49 CET 2012
I think annotations are potentially very useful for things like
introspection and static analysis. For instance, your IDE could warn you if
you pass a parameter that doesn't match the type specified in an
annotation. In these cases, the code reading the annotations isn't coupled
with the function definitions.
I'm not aiming to restrict annotations, just to establish some conventions
to make them useful. We have a convention, for instance, that attributes
with a leading underscore are private. That's a useful basis that everyone
understands, so when you do obj.<tab> in IPython, it doesn't show those
attributes by default. I'd like to have some conventions of that nature
around annotations.
On 1 December 2012 14:59, Andrew Svetlov <andrew.svetlov at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think code related to annotations is tightly coupled with annotated
> function usage context (decorator, metaclass, function caller).
> So annotation really can mean anything and it depends from context.
> I don't see use case when context need to ignore unexpected
> annotation. In my practice annotation is always expected if specified,
> absence of annotation for parameter is mark to do nothing with it (it
> can be allowed or disabled depending of context requirements).
> The same for multiple annotations. If your context allow it — that's
> up to you. Exact kind of composition to use depends from context — it
> can be tuple, dict, user-defined composition object.
> My point is: we dont need to restrict annotations in any way. If some
> libraries want to share annotations that means they are tightly enough
> coupled and can make rules for itself. All other code can go in the
> wild.
> On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 2:28 PM, Thomas Kluyver <thomas at kluyver.me.uk>
> wrote:
> > Function annotations (PEP 3107) are a very interesting new feature, but
> so
> > far have gone largely unused. The only project I've seen using them is
> plac,
> > a command-line option parser. One reason for this is that because
> function
> > annotations can be used to mean anything, we're wary of doing anything in
> > case we interfere with some other use case. A recent thread on
> ipython-dev
> > touched on this [1], and we'd like to suggest some conventions to make
> > annotations useful for everyone.
> >
> > 1. Code inspecting annotations should be prepared to ignore annotations
> it
> > can't understand.
> >
> > 2. Code creating annotations should use wrapper classes to indicate what
> the
> > annotation means. For instance, we are contemplating a way to specify
> > options for a parameter, to be used in tab completion, so we would do
> > something like this:
> >
> > from IPython.core.completer import options
> > def my_io(filename, mode: options('read','write') ='read'):
> > ...
> >
> > 3. There are a couple of important exceptions to 2:
> > - Annotations that are simply a string can be used like a docstring, to
> be
> > displayed to the user. Inspecting code should not expect to be able to
> parse
> > any machine-readable information out of these strings.
> > - Annotations that are a built-in type (int, str, etc.) indicate that the
> > value should always be an instance of that type. Inspecting code may use
> > these for type checking, introspection, optimisation, or other such
> > purposes. Note that for now, I have limited this to built-in types, so
> other
> > types can be used for other purposes, but this could be extended. For
> > instance, the ABCs from collections (collections.Mapping et al.) could
> well
> > be added to this category.
> >
> > 4. There should be a convention for attaching multiple annotations to one
> > value. I propose that all code using annotations expects to handle
> > tuples/lists of annotations. (We also considered dictionaries, but the
> > result is long and ugly). So in this definition:
> >
> > def my_io(filename, mode: (options('read','write'), str, 'The mode in
> which
> > to open the file') ='read'):
> > ...
> >
> > the mode parameter has a set of options (ignored by frameworks that don't
> > recognise it), should always be a string, and has a description.
> >
> > Any thoughts and suggestions are welcome.
> >
> > As an aside, we may also create a couple of decorators to fill in
> > __annotations__ on Python 2, something like:
> >
> > @return_annotation('A file obect')
> > @annotations(mode=(options('read','write'), str, 'The mode in which to
> open
> > the file'))
> > def my_io(filename, mode='read'):
> > ...
> >
> > [1]
> http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/ipython-dev/2012-November/010697.html
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Thomas
> >
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> --
> Thanks,
> Andrew Svetlov
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