[Python-ideas] Conventions for function annotations

Raymond Hettinger raymond.hettinger at gmail.com
Mon Dec 3 09:09:17 CET 2012

On Dec 2, 2012, at 3:43 AM, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> wrote:

>  Admittedly this was long enough ago that I don't remember the details, just the obvious consequence that PEP 8 remains largely silent on the matter, aside from declaring that function annotations are off-limits for standard library modules: 

PEP 8 is not "largely silent" on the subject:

The Python standard library will not use function annotations as that would result in a premature commitment to a particular annotation style. Instead, the annotations are left for users to discover and experiment with useful annotation styles.

Early core developer attempts to use function annotations revealed inconsistent, ad-hoc annotation styles. For example:

[str] was ambiguous as to whether it represented a list of strings or a value that could be either str or None.
The notation open(file:(str,bytes)) was used for a value that could be either bytes or str rather than a 2-tuple containing a str value followed by a bytesvalue.
The annotation seek(whence:int) exhibited an mix of over-specification and under-specification: int is too restrictive (anything with __index__ would be allowed) and it is not restrictive enough (only the values 0, 1, and 2 are allowed). Likewise, the annotation write(b: bytes) was also too restrictive (anything supporting the buffer protocol would be allowed).
Annotations such as read1(n: int=None) were self-contradictory since None is not an int. Annotations such as source_path(self, fullname:str) -> objectwere confusing about what the return type should be.
In addition to the above, annotations were inconsistent in the use of concrete types versus abstract types: int versus Integral and set/frozenset versus MutableSet/Set.
Some annotations in the abstract base classes were incorrect specifications. For example, set-to-set operations require other to be another instance of Setrather than just an Iterable.
A further issue was that annotations become part of the specification but weren't being tested.
In most cases, the docstrings already included the type specifications and did so with greater clarity than the function annotations. In the remaining cases, the docstrings were improved once the annotations were removed.
The observed function annotations were too ad-hoc and inconsistent to work with a coherent system of automatic type checking or argument validation. Leaving these annotations in the code would have made it more difficult to make changes later so that automated utilities could be supported.

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