[Python-ideas] Conventions for function annotations

Guido van Rossum guido at python.org
Tue Dec 4 18:56:01 CET 2012

On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 9:12 AM, Ned Batchelder <ned at nedbatchelder.com> wrote:
> On 12/4/2012 11:43 AM, Jasper St. Pierre wrote:
>> Indeed. I've looked at annotations before, but I never understood the
>> purpose. It seemed like a feature that was designed and implemented without
>> some goal in mind, and where the community was supposed to discover the goal
>> themselves.

To the contrary. There were too many use cases that immediately looked
important, and we couldn't figure out which ones would be the most
important or how to combine them, so we decided to take a two-step
approach: in step 1, we designed the syntax, whereas in step 2, we
would design the semantics. The idea was very clear that once the
syntax was settled people would be free to experiment with different
semantics -- just not in the stdlib. The idea was also that
eventually, from all those experiments, one would emerge that would be
fit for the stdlib.

The process was somewhat similar to the way decorators were
introduced. In Python 2.3, we introduced things like staticmethod,
classmethod and property. But we *didn't* introduce the @ syntax,
because we couldn't agree about it at that point. Then, for 2.4, we
sorted out the proper syntax, having by then conclusively discovered
that the original way of using e.g. classmethod (an assignment after
the end of the method definition) was hard on the human reader.

(Of course, you may note that for decorators, we decided on semantics
first, syntax second. But no two situations are quite the same, and in
the case of annotations, without syntax it would be nearly impossible
to experiment with semantics.)

>> So, if I may ask, what was the original goal of annotations? The PEP gives
>> some suggestions, but doesn't leave anything concrete. Was it designed to be
>> an aid to IDEs, or static analysis tools that inspect source code? Something
>> for applications themselves to munge through to provide special behaviors,
>> like a command line parser, or runtime static checker?

Pretty much all of the above to some extent. But for me personally,
the main goal was always to arrive at a notation to specify type
constraints (and maybe other constraints) for arguments and return
values. I've toyed at various times with specific ways of combining
types. E.g. list[int] might mean a list of integers, and dict[str,
tuple[float, float, float, bool]] might mean a dict mapping strings to
tuples of three floats and a bool. But I felt it was much harder to
get consensus about such a notation than about the syntax for argument
annotations (think about how many objections you can bring in to these
two examples :-) -- I've always had a strong desire to use "var: type
= default" and to make the type a runtime expression to be evaluated
at the same time as the default.

> A telling moment for me was during an early Py3k keynote at PyCon (perhaps
> it was in Dallas or Chicago?), Guido couldn't remember the word
> "annotation," and said, "you know, those things that aren't type
> declarations?"  :-)

Heh. :-)

--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

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