[Python-ideas] async: feedback on EventLoop API

Ronan Lamy ronan.lamy at gmail.com
Mon Dec 17 21:33:23 CET 2012

Le 17/12/2012 17:47, Guido van Rossum a écrit :

> (BTW, can someone *please* come up with a better name for DelayedCall?
> It's tedious and doesn't abbreviate well. But I don't want to name the
> class 'Callback' since I already use 'callback' for function objects
> that are used as callbacks.)

It seems to me that a DelayedCall is nothing but a frozen, reified 
function call. That it's a reified thing is already obvious from the 
fact that it's an object, so how about naming it just "Call"? "Delayed" 
is actually only one of the possible relations between the object and 
the actual call - it could also represent a cancelled call, or a cached 
one, or ...

This idea has some implications for the design: in particular, it means 
that .cancel() should be a method of the EventLoop, not of Call. So Call 
would only have the attributes 'callback' (I'd prefer 'func' or similar) 
and 'args', and one method to execute the call.

Ronan Lamy

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