[Python-ideas] Late to the async party (PEP 3156)

Benoit Chesneau benoitc at gunicorn.org
Tue Dec 18 08:25:17 CET 2012

On Dec 16, 2012, at 11:16 AM, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net> wrote:

> On Sat, 15 Dec 2012 21:37:15 -0800
> Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> wrote:
>> Hi Jason,
>> I don't think you've missed anything. I had actually planned to keep
>> PEP 3156 unpublished for a bit longer, since I'm not done writing the
>> reference implementation -- I'm sure that many of the issues currently
>> marked open or TBD will be resolved that way. There hasn't been any
>> public discussion since the last threads on python-ideas some weeks
>> ago -- however I've met in person with some Twisted folks and
>> exchanged private emails with some other interested parties.
> For the record, have you looked at the pyuv API? It's rather nicely
> orthogonal, although it lacks a way to stop the event loop.
> https://pyuv.readthedocs.org/en

For now the only way to stop the event loop is either to stop any events in trigger its execution in a loop:

    while True:
        if loop.run_once():

If you have any questions about it I can help. I plan to use it in my own lib and already use it in gaffer [1]. One of the advantage of libuv is its multi-platform support: on windows it is using IOCP, on unix, plain sockets apis , etc…

- benoît

[1] http://github.com/benoitc/gaffer

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