[Python-ideas] Allow accessing return value inside finally clause

Georg Brandl g.brandl at gmx.net
Tue Dec 25 22:55:41 CET 2012

On 12/25/2012 10:46 PM, Ram Rachum wrote:
> Say I have this function:
>     def f():
>         try:
>             return whatever()
>         finally:
>             pass # I want to get what `whatever()` returned in here
> I want to get the return value from inside the `finally` clause.
> I understand that this is currently not possible. I'd like that to be possible
> because that would allow post-processing of a function's return value.
> What do you think?

Please supply a more complete example of what you are trying to achieve.

As it is, I wonder what your motivation is for using a "finally", because
in the case of an exception, there won't even *be* a return value to

If you're trying to use try-finally as a sort of nonlocal exit mechanism (like
the famous "goto done" in CPython sources), you probably would be fine with

ret = None
    if x:
        ret = blah
    # more cases with returns here
    # post-process ret here
    return ret

But I would consider this an abuse of try-finally, especially since it
suppresses proper propagation of exceptions.


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